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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 40 Ways to Relieve Insect Bites

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we give you what you need to fight back against insect bites, some cool ways to date your closet, and the skinny on those ze

Execution, Not Ideas, is Key. Duh!

Do you have many ideas but you've never put them into action? Admit it, you are lazy, and you lack the talent of initiation.

How to Downsize and Declutter

Here's a simple timeline for sorting and decluttering painlessly with a three-phase strategy: 3-month plan, 6-month plan, and the year-or-more plan.

5 Checkout Line Tricks to Finish Shopping Faster

It's hard to get in and out of the grocery store when you're in a rush. But these tips will help you master that.

The Ultimate List of Hangover Cures

The party season is almost upon us, and you'll have more than enough occasions to drink a little more than you should. Are there any good hangover cures out there? It turns out the

The Fair Way to Split Up Your Family's Estate

A rock-solid will isn't only for your peace of mind — it's for your heirs' peace of mind, too.

Ask the Readers: How Much Does it Cost to Raise a Family? (Chance to Win!)

Tell us how much it costs to raise a family for a chance to win!

The 9 Hidden Costs of Drinking

Drinking isn't cheap, especially if you aren't aware of these nine hidden costs.

5 Surprising Budget Habits of Wealthy Financial Gurus

Even for the wealthiest of the wealthy, the simpler (and cheaper) things in life are better.

Share Your Thoughts: Consolidating Student Loans

What should one reader do to consolidate his student loan payments?

7 Ways Losing Weight Will Make You Richer

You've heard all the reasons why you should get fit and stay fit. Here's the clincher — losing weight can save you thousands of dollars.

When Self-Care Actually Harms Your Budget

Self-care has become a critical way to cope with the stress of the modern world. But is it really just draining your bank account?

How to Save Money on Christmas This Year

The earlier you start thinking about how you’ll pay for Christmas gifts, the more you’ll enjoy the season.

10 Delicious But Difficult Recipes Made Easy

Enjoy pasta or Hollandaise but don't enjoy the effort and the fuss? Try these easy versions of those and eight other challenging dishes.

It's Never Too Late to Fix These 5 Money Mistakes From Your Past

Sure, you made a few money missteps in your youth. It's time to forgive yourself, move on, and tackle your finances like a grown up.

Kick-Ass Alternatives to Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned cranberry sauce is lame. Here are six ways to shine up that holiday staple, from chutney to booze-spiked berries to tart-cherry sauce.

9 Satisfying Stir-Fries in 20 Minutes or Less

The wok is a one-pot wonder — toss in the ingredients, stir, and in minutes you have a delicious dish. Try these recipes for a quick weeknight dinner.

Best Money Tips: Becoming Self-Sufficient

Today, we share advice on how to become more self-sufficient, ways to tell if something is a rip-off or a real deal, a few kitchen cures for common ailments, and more.

Best Money Tips: Surprises in Your Health Savings Account

Today, we share the things to watch out for in your HSA, tried-and-true tips for shaving off a chunk of Apple computer prices, an easy recipe for homemade paint, and more!

4 Fun Activities to Get Your Grinch into the Holiday Spirit

If your guy is more "Bah Humbug" than "Happy Holidays," get him into the spirit with these ideas.