Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

13 Easy Ways to Save on Your Gym Membership

A gym membership can bulk up the leanest budget, but if you can't break your gym habit, at least take steps to control the cost.

Free "Digital Retirement Coach" Aims to Take Angst Out of Retirement Planning

If the thought of retirement planning sends chills down your spine, a helpful chatbot from AARP and the Ad Council makes it all seem easy.

Link it real good

Wise Bread loves the following blogs for their linky love. [more]

Best Money Tips: Non-Traditional Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill

Today we found some fantastic articles on non-traditional ways to cut your grocery bill, creative ways to save money, and money issues that sabotage your relationship.

Who Moved My Stuff?

If you ever want to take stock of all that you’ve worked hard to purchase over time, and how much stuff you think you need to hang on to, go through each and every possessio [more]

Best Money Tips: Sneaky Ways Supermarkets Get You to Spend More

Today we found some fantastic articles on sneaky ways supermarkets get you to spend more, paying less for insurance, and money talks to have with your kids.

Best Money Tips: Habits That Lead to Wealth

Today we found some great articles on habits that lead to wealth and prosperity, smart ways to multitask, and ways to slash your cell phone bill.

5 Affordable Caribbean Cruise Ports for Families

Cruise excursions can be expensive extras to your all-inclusive cruise. These popular ports of call offer great value for cruising families.

Beat the heat with cool summer meals

Some summer evenings are simple too hot to contemplate firing up the stove or using the oven. Some nights, even standing in front of the grill flipping burgers sounds like a bit to

Best Money Tips: Fun and Festive Fourth of July Treats

Today we found some great articles on Fourth of July treats, creating new routines, and tips for eating healthy on a budget.

20 Ways to Eat Paleo for Super Cheap

Who knew ancient nutrition was so pricey? Cut the cost of the popular low-carb diet with hacks so simple a caveman can do it.

5-Minute Finance: Track Your Spending

Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? It's time to start tracking your spending. All it takes is five minutes.

Edible Flowers Make Cheap Food Beautiful Again

Those of you with gardens are probably entering a new season of produce. Squash plants are getting icky, but they are still producing more zucchini and summer varieties than you ca

Best Money Tips: Unique Ways to Cut Wedding Costs

Today we found some fantastic articles on unique ways to cut wedding costs, beating the latest airline fees, and organizing your workday.

10 Ways to Get Great Hair Without the Salon

Save pricey salon days for a rare treat and get gorgeous, healthy hair with some simple (and cheap!) tricks.

Frugal Transport--bicycling

Three years ago I started bicycling to work. It was a gradual thing. It took extra planning to ride--there were issues with clothing, issues with carrying stuff on the bike.

Best Money Tips: Negotiating the Raise You Deserve

Today we found some fantastic articles on negotiating the raise you deserve, getting kids outside in the summer, and free ways to make someone's day.

23 Relaxing Ways to Enjoy Your Kid's First Day at School

Summer vacation is finally over. Whatever will you do with the long, long hours between drop-off and pick-up?

4 Tools That Help You Find Free Award Flights

These online tools can ease the stress of looking for free award flights by doing all the work for you.

Are You Ready for Home Ownership?

My husband and I just moved to the Great Northwest, and we batted around the idea of purchasing our first home. [more]