Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Buy in Bulk?

Tell us about your bulk purchases and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

9 Skills That Will Be Obsolete Soon

Today's youth will never know the struggles of flirting, parallel parking, or writing in cursive. What skills will you forget soon?

21 Times Spending More Will Save You Money

Spending money to save money may sound counterintuitive, but these 21 buys will surely help you pinch pennies in the long-run.

8 Vile Craigslist Scams to Watch Out For

Although 99% of the ads on Craigslist are legit, some are designed to scam you. Recognize these eight common Craigslist scams and avoid becoming a mark.

15 Delicious and Easy Ways to Enjoy Canned Peaches

Skip the transition from winter to spring by fast-forwarding to warm summer days via a can of sweet and delicious peaches.

50 Fun Things to Do When You're Stuck Inside During Winter

Snowed in or rained out — again? Stave off cabin fever with this collection of creative, fun, and frugal indoor activities.

7 Social Situations All Introverts Fear

Crowded places, watchful eyes, chatty strangers — these are the introvert's worst social nightmares. Here's how to soldier through.

How to Avoid These Common Hidden Fees

Don't let these sneaky fees blow your budget when making a purchase.

100 Small Things That Can Bring You Joy

Need a quick mood boost? No matter where you are or what's got you down, you're sure to find a pick me up in this big list of small joys.

Ask the Readers: Do You Use an Online Bank?

Tell us whether you use an online bank and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

15 Modern Life Skills Everyone Should Master

If you're lagging in the latest tech skills, it's time to get caught up. The good news is they're simpler to master than you think!

10 Money Goals All 30-Somethings Should Have

You're not 29 anymore. Do you have your act together, financially?

A Used Car Salesman Reveals Dirty Tricks (and How to Beat Them)

A former used car salesman reveals some tricks of the trade. Before you buy a used car, read this!

Free Food in Your Yard: Edible Weeds!

Who says that there's no such thing as a free lunch -- you probably have one growing in your yard! Many weeds are edible, and delicious. Best of all, they're free!

How to Get Ahead With a 0% APR Credit Card

This is how you can use a 0% APR credit card to get ahead on your finances.

Healthy, frugal eating

Every so often, I get hit in the face with two facts.  First, Americans (even poor Americans) are unbelievably rich.  Second, Americans (as a group) utterly lack a cultural traditi

6 Financial Mistakes to Stop Making by Age 40

By your 40s, personal finance shouldn't be a mystery. If you're still making these six money mistakes, it's time to enforce some changes.

6 Ways Life is Wonderful When You're Debt-Free

Living life free of debt can be really awesome. And we mean really.

5 Most Affordable Gym Memberships

These five gyms will let you work up a sweat without spending a fortune.

How to Manage Your Money — No Budgeting Required

Nobody likes budgeting. Here's how to keep track of your money without one.