Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The High Cost of Cheap Food

Cheap eats might be destroying your waistline, your health, and the environment, too. Learn about the costs — and what you can do about them.

7 Apps That Monitor Your Credit for You

There's an app for everything these days — even credit monitoring. Now there's really no excuse!

Free Food in Your Yard: Edible Weeds!

Who says that there's no such thing as a free lunch -- you probably have one growing in your yard! Many weeds are edible, and delicious. Best of all, they're free!

Personal Finance Lessons from Online Adventure Game (RuneScape)

A friend shared with me some strategies he's learned for playing RuneScape. Can these strategies be applied to personal finance? Let's see.

9 Signs Your Identity Was Stolen

Usually, you know when you're the victim of a crime. But identity theft can be a sneaky, subtle scam. Watch out for these warnings.

The 8 Things That Are Always Cheaper at Target

Target is hitting the bullseye for ultra-low pricing on these eight products. Shop smart and save with these choices.

6 Pitfalls of Down Payment Assistance Programs

Before you apply for a down payment assistance program to help pay for a house, make sure you understand all the potential downsides.

5 Smart Travel Hacks Only Frequent Flyers Know

You don't have to dread the airport. These smart frequent flyer secrets will have you breezing through the terminal (almost) stress-free.

11 Ways a Second Language Can Boost Your Career

Need to add a competitive edge to your resume? Learn a second language!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Host a Summer Party on a Budget?

Tell us how you host a summer part on a budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Buy a Used Car Without Getting Ripped Off

Buying a pre-owned vehicle comes with its own set of challenges — like making sure you don't buy someone else's headache.

8 Debt Reduction Mistakes Even Smart People Make

Even the smartest people make mistakes while trying to reduce debt. Don’t be one of them.

Where to Find Emergency Funds When You Don't Have an Emergency Fund

A costly emergency has sprung up. The only problem? You have a second emergency — no money to cover it. Here's where to find funds fast.

5 Ways to Protect Your Business During a Divorce

Just because your marriage went kaput doesn't mean your jointly-run small business needs to. Here's how to protect yourself — and your business.

12 Financial Moves to Make When a Loved One Dies

Putting off money matters is common even in the best of times. But in the weeks following the death of a loved one, these money decisions can't wait.

Thinking of Skipping the Home Inspection? Here's What It Will Cost You

Think you can save a few bucks by skipping a home inspection? Think again.

Our high, high standard of living

In the 1950s and 1960s, a working man could support a family at a middle-class standard of living with just one income. It might surprise you to learn that one person working full

How to Protect Your Child From Identity Theft

Identity theft is scary. When your kids are the target, it's positively terrifying.

5 Times You Must Freeze Your Credit Report

Freeze! Securing your credit report from fraud or other suspicious activity might save you a big headache later.

The 5 Things With the Biggest Impact on Your Credit Score

Perplexed by those three little numbers? Here's the breakdown of what exactly makes up your FICO score.