Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Gifts?

Tell us how you save money on holiday gifts and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

101 Tax deductions for bloggers and freelancers

Anyone here like doing taxes? Didn’t think so. We all have to do them; we all have to pay money to Uncle Sam (although some get away with paying much less than others). But as

Cooking great meals with your car engine. The heat is on.

Ladies, gentlemen, start your engines. But only after you've loaded them up with sausages, chicken, crabs, Cajun shrimp and plenty of vegetables. [more]

A Denim Expert Reveals Why You Only Need 3 Pairs of Jeans

By following a simple routine, you can have denim jeans for every occasion and task, and you only have to buy a single pair per year.

17 Uses for Stale Bread

Using up leftover bread is not only frugal, it's delicious. Make sure you eat every last crumb of that aging loaf with these recipes.

10 Old Knick-Knacks You Can Flip for Easy Cash

In need of some extra cash? Look around your home for some flippable vintage knick-knacks like these.

12 Smart Ways to Organize Old Photos

If you have old photo albums collecting dust in the closet, take them out, dust them off, and put them to good use!

22 Websites That Will Pay You to Write for Them

Do you have a way with words? Earn some money with your talent, even if you don't have experience or clips at these sites that pay.

Ask the Readers: Are You Interested in the New Apple Gadgets?

Tell us whether whether you're interested in the new Apple gadgets and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Jobs Proven to Make You Live Longer

Every job has its pros and cons. Choose one of these five careers and the stats say you will extend your life — by years.

DO NOT buy a digital camera online until you read this.

Wisebread readers, take note. This is not just a case of buyer beware. [more]

64 Funny, Inspiring and Stupid Money Quotes From Famous People

We've collected quotes from presidents, movie stars, philosophers, athletes, and even Paris Hilton on everybody's favorite topic: Money.

10 Personal Issues No One at Work Needs to Hear

With work consuming so much of our lives, it seems natural to share our personal lives and concerns with our colleagues. Don't.

11 Essential Documents You Should Keep in Your Safe

Keep the necessary documents to establish your identity and financial history in a safe, so you can recover from identity theft, fire, or home invasion.

Ask the Readers: What Does Financial Success Mean to You?

Tell us what financial success means to you and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

30 Signs That You Were Raised by Frugal Parents

Were you raised by frugal parents? Here are 30 ways to tell if there was a frugalista in your family tree.

Ask the Readers: Are You Wearing a Costume for Halloween This Year?

Tell us whether you're wearing a costume this Halloween and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

11 Ways to Eat Oats When You Hate Oatmeal

Oats are jam-packed with nutritious goodies, but what to do if you hate oatmeal? Here are 11 (other) ways to enjoy this amazing grain.

Fixing Mistakes: 7 Steps for Any Situation

Mistakes aren't fun, but the sooner and more thoroughly you deal with them, the better. Here are the essential steps to take.

The 5 Best Products for Dry Skin

If you're looking for a new product to hydrate your skin, look no further than these five!