Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Newborn Costs That Took Me by Surprise

Welcoming a bundle of joy into your home also means welcoming new expenses. Here are 10 you might not have prepared for.

4 Cheap and Easy Homemade Mosquito Repellents

When summer hits, the mosquitoes start swarming. Here are several easy, cheap, and chemical-free recipes for making homemade mosquito repellent.

Quickly Remove Scratches From CDs and DVDs

Here are the results of my exploration to remove scratches from my CDs and DVDs, complete with my own experience with each remedy.

Lower Your Credit Card Interest Rate and Reduce Your Phone Bill, Immediately and Easily

Are your credit card interest rates getting to you? Are those monthly cell phone bills a pain in the wallet? How about cable TV? Internet? Even the power bill? Would you like to re

10 Signs Your Company Is Going Under

Has half the executive staff suddenly decided to make more time for family? Yeah, your company is doomed.

10 Things You Do to Save Money That End Up Costing You More

Sometimes, what we think we're doing to save money actually costs us a lot more. Make sure you're not making one of these "saving" mistakes.

Saving the Planet - One Drop at a Time

With water becoming an increasingly precious resource, we need to get creative about how we conserve it. Here are some ways you may not have thought of to help save the planet, one

5 Surprising Ways the Rich Get Richer

The rich get richer. You could get jealous, or you could get inspired to find out how wealthy stay that way, and copy them?

5 Times Personal Loans May Be Better Than Credit Cards

Sometimes getting a personal loan is a better choice than using your credit cards.

10 Productivity Hacks From a Work-at-Home Mom

A person who manages to work at home while caring for several children under age 5? Well, that's someone who has a few good time-saving suggestions.

5 Financial Experts People in Their 40s Should Follow

Gen-Xers in prime earning years have financial worries all their own. Follow these five money experts with plenty of 40s-friendly money advice.

How to Protect Your Child From Identity Theft

Identity theft is scary. When your kids are the target, it's positively terrifying.

A Denim Expert Reveals Why You Only Need 3 Pairs of Jeans

By following a simple routine, you can have denim jeans for every occasion and task, and you only have to buy a single pair per year.

10 Smart Ways to Get a Small Business Loan

It takes money to make money, and for small business there have never been so many ways to borrow some. How would a loan help your business grow?

9 Unexpected Expenses for Retirees — And How to Manage Them

Lots of things get cheaper as we age, but not everything. Be prepared for these unexpected retirement expenses.

7 Retailers With the Absolute Best Customer Service

These retailers may have higher prices, but their above-and-beyond customer service just might make paying the premium worth it.

10 Old-School Things That Make Summer SUMMER!

Remember the good ol' days of summer, when frolicking trumped responsibility? Do these 10 frugal, fun things, and you'll feel like a kid again.

How to Get Laid Off: A Step-By-Step Guide

It seems ironic in this economy, and with a high unemployment rate, that anyone would want advice about getting kicked from a job. But last week a question was posed to me, and it

Here Are the Right Ways (And the Wrong Ways) to Use a Personal Loan

Before you apply for a personal loan, make sure you plan to use it the right way.

10 Surprising Benefits Of: A 10 Minute Walk

Got 15 minutes to spare? Spend five minutes reading this, and then take a walk to clear your mind and get these nine other health benefits.