Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Black Friday Shopping Tips

Today we found some awesome articles on Black Friday shopping tips, holiday gifts for under $25, and including your spouse in financial planning.

6 Google+ Myths Debunked

Google+ is not yet a month old, but already it's the subject of widespread myths about its worth to small business.

How to Master These 10 Shopping Skills Before You Hit 30

Before you reach the big 3-0, make sure you have these shopping skills down.

The 5 Best Cutting Boards

Stop chopping on your countertop -- it's messy, dangerous, and bad for your knife. Chop on one of these five best boards instead.

How to Take the Pulse of Your Employees

Do you know what your employees REALLY think about you and your business?

9 Ways to Make Money From Holiday Gifts You Don't Want

Not sure what to do with the toe socks you got from Aunt Sally? Turn those and the rest of your unwanted holiday gifts into cash!

5 Principles Of Creating A Cultural Brand

Crossing the line between commerce and culture.

What Apple Can Teach About Retailing

Apple's retail stores are becoming as iconic as Apple itself. Here's how Apple's retail experience sets the brand apart.

Cheap Home Furnishing Ideas

Get inspiration on how to decorate on a budget and get the most out of your space and furniture.

3 Mistakes That Make a Bad Credit Situation Worse

A credit score of 600 or lower is officially "bad." Don't makes things worse by committing any of these common mistakes.

8 Ways to a Healthier Workday

Long hours in the office chair can lead to serious health risks. Take these steps to prevent your workday from harming you in body and soul.

Best Money Tips: Amateur Investing Mistakes You Can Avoid

Today we found some great articles on beginner investing mistakes you can avoid, reasons why being cheap is bad, and frugal ways to relax on a stressful day.

Another one for the Readers

Do you love to discuss your favorite reads? Why not join a book club — for free!

Best Money Tips: Secrets to Paying for College

Today we found some awesome articles on secrets to paying for college, working from home do's and don'ts, and savings for every day of the week.

Got a Personal Finance Tip or Story? Enter Get Rich Slowly's Contest!

Our friends at Get Rich Slowly are running a video contest with $500 prizes — find out how to enter, and watch our Senior Editor reveal her favorite finance tip.

Can't Afford to Pay the IRS?

Even though I have a couple of extra days to file my tax returns this year, I won't be able to come up with enough to pay the IRS what I owe. The age old question about paying now or later came to a head for me this year, when I chose the "pay late [more]

The Zeigarnik Effect and 7 Other Ways to Beat the Housekeeping Blahs

It's Wednesday and the novelty of keeping the place ship-shape has long since worn off. Stay motivated with a few tidy ways to fight chore fatigue.

Germ Killin' Machine

Guarding against germs doesn't have to be a chemical-filled experience. To get rid of germs in your kitchen sponge (and there ARE germs in you kitchen sponge), do the following: [more]

Using WordPress for Blogging and More

This article provides some instructions for anyone who would like to set up a basic website for themselves, but who does not have much experience with HTML, CSS, PHP, etc. Much to the chagrin [more]