Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Travel More Often, Cheaper, and in Style

Today we found some fantastic articles on traveling more often for less, things to do with $3,000, and important money lessons for kids.

How to Avoid Foreclosure

What would you do if you were about to lose your home? What would you be willing to do to keep it? Is it even possible to keep it once you've missed a few payments? [more]

One Recipe, Lots of Food: 10 Great Main Dish Casseroles

For cheap, filling, and simple dinners with lots of leftovers, it's hard to beat these delicious casserole recipes.

Best Money Tips: Score Cheap Locally Grown Food

Today we found some great articles on scoring cheap locally grown food, common retirement mistakes, and how to have an inexpensive wedding.

Should You Make Your Young Kids Pay "Rent?"

A viral Facebook post has parents everywhere wondering: Should you charge your young kids rent?

Last Minute Tax-Filing? Extended Post Office Hours and More

Isn't it weird that there isn't a central list of post offices at, oh I don't know, say,, that tells you which post office branches are going to be open late tonight for last-minute filers? [more]

Bottled Water, Bottled Hype Part 3

This is the third in a three-part series about bottled water. To read the first installment, click here. To read the second installment, click here. We’ve talked a bit about bottled water. [more]

Mix 'n match your food to save money

Is there any way out of the "I love to eat but I don't want to cook all the time!" dilemma? Will there ever be a way to eat consistent, healthy, homecooked meals without slaving in the kitchen all the time? Read on, and tell me what you think. [more]

Best Money Tips: How to Dine Out for Less

Today we found some great articles on ways to dine out for less, revamping your home office to improve productivity, and how to make vacation magic last.

The 5 Best Facial Toners

You can have healthy and glowing skin just by using the right facial toner, like one of these best five choices.

Covert transaction legal, life-saving: getting free drinks at the amusement park

In the interest of frugality and safety , I will pass along a tip that I received from a waitress when my family and I were visiting Williamsburg. She advised us that free water in

Is It Time to Starve Your 401(k)?

We're told again and again that feeding a 401(k) guarantees a sturdy retirement. But is that really your best savings option?

How to Research a Home's Location Before You Buy

Finding the perfect home is all about location, location, location. Here's how you can get the scoop on your potential new neighborhood.

You know you're a Wisebread reader if...

What makes a Wisebread reader? Why are you guys so, well, special? I sat, I pondered, I scribbled down notes furiously. This is what I came up with. It's a small list, just 30 entries. [more]

Easy Ways to Rein in Your Spending Without Sacrificing Fun

Think that frugality means sacrifice? Not necessarily. These four suggestions help you cut costs, not enjoyment.

This guy has the best job EVER!

While surfing the web for some research on a "serious" Wisbread article (to be published soon), I ran across this guy. His "job" is to visit Irish pubs. All. Year. Long. [more]

12 Easy Ways to Manage Your Finances Before, During, and After a Military Deployment

A deployment is tough enough without the financial burden. Keep your money in check to make your service a little less stressful.

Best Money Tips: How to Have Fun for Free

Today we found some great articles on how to have fun for free, money saving tips for the average homeowner, and facing your first day like a pro.

8 Apple Watch Apps That'll Save You Money

The Apple Watch is here — and we've rounded up some must-have finance apps to help you manage your money. Is your wrist ready for personal finance?

8 Travel Must-Haves for Nursing Moms

Have travel plans as a new mom that don't include your new baby? Here's what you need before you hit the road.