Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Profit From China's Growing Upper Class — Even If You Don't Speak Chinese

China's population of millionaires is booming. Job opportunities for the rest of us are booming, too!

Lovely Links from All Over the Web

Just when you thought we couldn’t get anymore love from other blogs, Wisebread is thrilled to be mentioned by some very kind folks from around the web. [more]

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/3, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win Prizes!

Topic: Choosing a Financial Professional! Join our conversation with AFCPE for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #AFCPE to participate!

Throwing out your own trash

Businesses, especially big businesses, try constantly to shift work from their paid staff to their customers. It's one of the major trends in business today. [more]

Best Money Tips: Retirement Questions People Forget to Ask

Today we found some stellar articles on important (but often forgotten) retirement questions, easy part-time jobs, and work-life balance tips.

Dump Cake and Other Sweet, Easy Treats

Yellow cake mix goes on sale all the time where I live. For under $10, you can usually score 15 or more boxes! This is great if you’re making cakes, but what if you just don’t have

Cooking With Kale: Easy Recipes for Real People

Kale is a frugal, healthy powerhouse that tastes great...if you know how to prepare it right. Incorporate kale into your diet with these simple recipes.

Critical Illness Insurance For Wise Patients

There are many people who believe in insurance, and just as many who are vehemently against it. Personally I'm a believer, but I also know that there is no blanket solution for

Best Money Tips: How to Cook Dinner in Your Dishwasher

Today we found some great articles on a way to cook food in your dishwasher, dorm décor ideas for students, and how to be a thrifty cat owner.

Choosing Between Apples and Oranges

My family lives a fairly simple lifestyle. We live in a rural area, drive older cars, and rarely go out for dinner. But we also like to enjoy life. Given that we know approximat

Best Money Tips: 21 Money Mistakes to Avoid

Today we found some great articles on money mistakes to avoid, apps to help you save at the supermarket, and tasty tailgating recipes.

Why It Pays to Wait Before Applying for a New Rewards Card

Before a sweet perk convinces you to apply for another rewards credit card, you might want to wait for some even better ones.

Pre-career advice

If you've got a living situation like most high school and many college students, where you'll continue to have a roof over your head and food to eat even if you don't

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/17, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving Money During Graduation Season! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Fall Cleaning 101: The Spic-and-Span Basics of Making Your Home Sparkle

Spring isn't the only cleaning-worthy season! This all-encompassing list will help you get your place in shape for autumn and beyond.

9 Unusual Jobs Technology Destroyed

They took our jerbs! Technology is amazing — and the reason it's hard to be a leech collector or gandy dancer these days.

10 Summer Foods You Can Make in an Instant Pot

Don't heat up your kitchen this summer. Instead, rely on these summer staples you can make an in Instant Pot.

Avoid Dinner Stress: Pay Someone to Plan Your Meals

If you're stressed about making dinner, paying someone to plan your meals can be worth the cost in reducing stress — and it can reduce your grocery bill.

The Cost of Giving Baby a Bad Name

Americans (and many other cultures) have always enjoyed the artistic license of being able to name their children whatever they fancy. When nam

Best Money Tips: Items Every Home Needs

Today we found some stellar articles on handy items every home needs, how not to handle sudden wealth, and how to reduce student debt.