Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

When They Say Extreme Deals, They’re Not Kidding!

I stumbled upon a website last week that gave me that feeling of being a hungry kid in a free candy store. The site offers amazing discounts on thousands of gadgets, and free shipp

Best Money Tips: Relax, Toy Hamsters Not Metalloid Death Bringers After All

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we'll ease your mind concerning the Zhu-Zhu pet scare, give you 13 tips for making sure you get your holiday purchase reb

Skip the Holiday Hype: 10 Non-Shopping Activities

Don't be a package of nerves. Just have fun. Here's a list of frugal activities that don’t involve shopping and could save money.

When It's Time to Destroy Debt, Start With a Goal

I'm doing a 90-day series on air and online to help people destroy debt. My first installment concerns the single most important thing you can do: establish goals. Read and watch f

8 Ways to Track Your Diet and Fitness for Free

Fitness experts will tell you that tracking progress is a good motivator. These free tools will help you do that, without hurting your budget goals.

12 Delicious Soups You Can Make From Leftovers

Whether you've got a lot of leftovers or only a little, use one of these delicious recipes to turn yesterday's meal into today's delicious soup — and save!

10 Great Careers You Can Have With a Liberal Arts Degree

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math — everybody says STEM is where it's at, career-wise. Are bookworms doomed to slinging lattes?

Is This Hidden Cost Sapping Your Retirement Savings?

You may know how fund expenses can sap retirement accounts, but some funds also have even sneakier fees you should be aware of.

These Are the 4 Terms You Need to Know to Get Started in Stocks

Don't know your P/E from your EPS? That's OK — catch up on the basics here, and you'll become a savvier investor.

Sometimes, "Too Good To Be True" Is Not True

How many times have you heard people say “if it look’s too good to be true, stay away from it” or words to that effect? Well, I know I’ve said them often myself. But sometimes, rar

5 Reasons Tax Prep Software May Be Right for You

I’ve been doing my own taxes for about 5 years now. Even as my needs have changed (I’ve gone from a simple 1040EZ to a more complex small business partnership structure), I’ve fou

Is the Corporate Career Track Right for You?

A good job with a big company is the dream of many recent grads. Before you find your spot in the cubicle farm, consider some pros and cons.

Get Your Money Sooner by Starting 2016 Tax Prep Now

The early (tax) bird gets the worm — and reduces the chance it'll be a victim of identity theft. Start your 2016 tax prep now, and skip all the stress in April.

CitiMortgage Told Me to Default on My Loan

Only in the completely screwed-up world of the lending industry would this be a logical and serious piece of advice. But that’s basically what I was told after calling CitiMortg

You Can Get Coupons for Healthy Foods Too — Here's Where

Traditionally, coupons for processed foods were easy to find, but not for healthy, natural foods. That's changing — here's where to find them.

Best Money Tips: Tax Day Freebies

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we give you some tax-time freebies to

15 Grab-and-Go Post-Workout Breakfasts

No time for breakfast … again? Start the day the right way with a quick, nutritious, on-the-go meal that everybody has time for — even you.

How to Turn Unwanted Gift Cards Into Cash

What to do with that stack of gift cards you're never gonna use? Sell them for cash, or trade them for gift cards you really will use. It's easy!

Best Money Tips: How to Get Free Airline Upgrades

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, give you tips for getting free airline upgrades

30 Signs You Were Raised by Healthy Parents

Was junk food strictly verboten in your house growing up? How many of these signs of healthy living do you recognize from your childhood?