Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

18 Surprising Ways Your Identity Can Be Stolen

You work so hard to protect your identity, but there are still ways thieves can get your personal data. Here's how they do it.

Why We Spend More When We Pay With Credit Cards

It's true — people spend more with credit cards than cash. Learn the psychological reasons why we tend to pay more when we use plastic.

What to Do With a Windfall

You just stumbled upon a big pile of money. Congrats! Here's what you should do with it.

51 Uses for Coca-Cola – the Ultimate List

I was trawling the Internet recently searching for a way to remove a grease spot from a favorite shirt of mine. How it got there, well, I blame a faulty fork and not my clumsy mout

9 Simple Acts of Self-Care for the Sandwich Generation

When caring for your parents and your children at the same time, stress is bound to find you. Remember to take care of yourself, too.

Are You Withholding the Right Amount of Taxes from Your Paycheck?

Does tax time leave you with a huge refund or a huge bill? Your withholding is off. Here's how to fix it.

The 5 Best Hair Curlers

To get perfect curls that last, not any hair curler will do. You need one of these best five hair curlers.

Are Starter Homes Still a Thing?

Starter homes used to be the norm. But in today's housing market, you might not need those homeowner training wheels.

Need to Sell Your House? Here's How to Let Go

Selling your home is more than just signing on a dotted line. You have to find emotional closure, too.

8 Home Buys You Should Never Skimp On

From door locks to kitchen appliances, some things are worth the extra cost. Shop smart, but don't skimp when it comes to these home buys.

7 Ways to Make Owning a Pool Less of a Nightmare

They say owning a pool is not worth the headache, but you can make pool ownership easier — without spending a lot of money.

5 Steps to Successful Budgeting

Ready to build your best budget? All it takes is five steps to clear financial control.

Conspicuous Spending: Fading to Black

In the black community and many other communities there is a sense that material possession and flair denotes character, accomplishment and power. It's a poor dad mentality and a

What You Need to Know About Homeowners' Associations

A home in an HOA may come with fabulous amenities, services, and sense of community. It will also come with a cost.

Home Equity Loan or HELOC: Which Is Right for You?

You have equity in your home, and you need to borrow money. Should you turn to a HELOC or a home equity loan?

7 Ways to Reuse Clothes That No Longer Fit

Dust off those ill-fitting clothes taking up space in your closet and give them a new purpose!

6 Cheap Ways to Get Rid of Household Pests

Ewww, bugs! Send your unwelcome household guests packing with some simple, cheap, and eco-friendly pest solutions.

5 Personal Loan Fees You Should Never, Ever Pay

The whole point of getting a loan is to avoid the high interest rates and added fees of a credit card. So make sure you're avoiding all of that with personal loans, too.

Best Money Tips: September Deals for Families

Today we found some great articles on the best deals for families this September, frugal Halloween projects, and willpower tips to help you achieve anything.

Are You Letting FOMO Ruin Your Finances?

FOMO can prompt us to make a lot of questionable decisions. Get your envy in check and regain control of your life — and your money.