Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Enter the “Life After Debt” $16,000 Giveaway: Plus $500 Just for Wise Bread Readers

Don't miss your chance to win $16,500 PLUS $500 just for Wise Bread readers in the Life After Debt giveaway!

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Make Money From Social Media

Today we found articles on easy ways to make money from social media, tips to make technology last beyond the warranty, and how to make the most of a health savings account.

Eat 256 Big Macs to Win a $5 Gift Card

How many Big Macs would you have to eat to win a particular prize in McDonald's Monopoly? You're about to find out.

10 Things Healthy People DO NOT Have in Their Homes

Make your next decluttering campaign all about getting rid of the stuff that's making you sick — like all this stuff.

Girly Fun on a Budget

Get your girly fix for less! Learn how to save money on clothes, update your wardrobe, plan a spa day at home, and more.

Here's How Your Taxes Will Change After You Have a Kid

Welcome to parenthood! Of all the changes headed your way, don't forget about tax changes, too.

5 Ways Money Can Buy Happiness

Don't listen to the old cliche; spending money on these five things can make you more content.

How to Deal When You Hate Your New Job

There's just one little problem with your new gig — you hate it. Deep breaths. Here's what you need to do.

Best Money Tips: 4 Ways to Fight Procrastination

Today, we share tips to fight procrastination, make money by watching TV, process the odds and ends around your house, and easy ways to make a difference.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/14, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $100 in Prizes!

Don't miss our #Plutus14 #WBChat on 8/14 at 12pm PST! We will be talking about personal finance blogs and giving away $100 in prizes!

How to Make Ends Meet When You're House Poor

Home is meant to be a haven. If it's leaving you racked with debt (and stress), it's time to consider these options.

5 Unexpected Moving Expenses

I thought I had my DIY move totally budgeted, only to be hit with hidden costs.

Your Loss Aversion Is Costing You More Than Your FOMO

Losing money hurts so much more than the thrill of getting it. Why is that?

Review of Women Empowering Themselves: A Financial Survival Guide

Although it's targeted at divorced women, this book is a valuable read for women of any relationship status who want to take control of their finances.

Best Money Tips: Tips for Negotiating a Better Deal

Today we found some great articles on tips for negotiating a better deal, nixing your bad money habits, and frugally saving summer before it's gone.

What to Do When You Can't Afford Your Child's College Education

Your kid just got accepted into their dream school, but the price tag can make it all feel like a nightmare. What to do now?

Five Last-Minute Thanksgiving Fixes

Don't throw out your Thanksgiving mistakes; follow these tips to salvage everything from dry turkey to bad wine.

5 Things to Say to Your Boss to Get a Promotion or Raise

You deserve a raise and a promotion. Here's how to get your boss to agree.

Best Money Tips: How to Train Yourself to Be Frugal

Today we found articles on how to train yourself to be frugal, ways to deal with digital burnout, and things that should never control your life.

How to Make Money Tweeting

If you're popular on Twitter, you could get paid for your tweets...even if you're not a Kardashian.