Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Wise Bread Reloaded: Is Eating More Produce the Secret to Happiness and Wellbeing?

Fruits and vegetables are good for your mental health, too. Learn why and how you can eat more of them.

You Need to Get Rid of These 16 Household Items — Pronto!

Inevitably your decluttering campaign hits a roadblock — what the heck do you do with this...thing? Here's what.

6 Ways to Win Free Stuff from Blog Giveaways

Want a piece of the prize pie? Check out these tips for scoring sweet giveaway prizes via blogs.

20 Easy Ways to Stretch Your Grocery Dollars

Before you tighten your belt, wring the waste out of your grocery budget with this collection of proven ways to trim food costs.

Best Money Tips: Lower-Calorie Super Bowl Snacks

Today, we share smart ways to snack during the Super Bowl, car sharing mistakes to avoid, dinner ideas for under $6, and more.

15 Easy, Mouthwatering Slow Cooker Dessert Recipes

Slow cookers do dessert, too? As conveniently and deliciously as they cook everything else. The only downside of these recipes is the wait.

Best Money Tips: Gift Card Tricks Every Shopper Should Know

Today we found articles on gift card hacks that every shopper should know, travel websites to help you find the cheapest flight, and the best time to buy big-ticket items.

6 Areas Where You Can Eliminate Distractions

Do you have a black hole of distractions sucking you into the vortex of non-productivity? Here's how to get focused.

9 Things People With Good Phone Skills Never Do

The telephone conversation is it's own realm, one that includes it's own rules and etiquette. How many of these "phone's pas" have you committed?

11 Things That Should Never Cost More Than $99

Don't go wasting your hard-earned Benjamins on things that should cost less than $100.

Imagine Eating to Lose Weight (and Save Money)

Ready for what might be the cheapest weight-loss technique of all time? Imagine eating. (Don't worry, you actually eat too.)

Wise Bread Reloaded: How to Prepare and Enjoy Our Modern, Monstrously Large Chickens

Never heard of the Ross 308 broiler? At nearly 10 pounds, the enormous chicken has taken beef's place at the head of the American table.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 2/10, 12pm Pacific for Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: How do you plan a frugal Valentine's Day? Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate.

11 Ways to Get Over Rejection

Whether it's a job, a relationship, a big purchase, nobody likes being rejected. Understand rejection's ancient roots and learn how to overcome it.

Best Money Tips: Summer Backyard Safety Tips

Today we found articles on backyard safety tips for the summer, ways to get out of a rut, and strategies for standing out during the hiring process.

Adventures in Retail Tedium

I battled my way through a popular chain clothing store, and all I got was this stupid shirt: One consumer's tongue-in-cheek look at shopping retail.

Save Money With These 19 Inventive Uses for Baby Products

You already know how smart and frugal hand-me-downs are. But what about hand-me-ups?

Best Money Tips: Simple Ways to End Bad Spending Habits

Today we found articles on simple ways to end bad spending habits, green moves that will help you save money, and weird things you can sell on eBay.

Book Clubs as Therapy

Regrets and conflict rarely surface during normal conversation, but a good book club can be a forum for the unexpressed, unexplored, and unresolved.

10 Dumb Little Productivity Killers You Need to Stop Doing Today

Wondering what happened to your productivity? You frittered it away in these 10 dumb little ways. Learn how to get back on task — and stay there.