Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Important Money Moves to Make in the New Year, According to Financial Advisors

Now that we've entered a new year, and a new decade, it's time to make these smart money moves.

4 Money Moves Every College Freshman Should Master

There will be lots of things to learn during your first year of college. Make sure you master these money moves between classes.

The 5 Best Hyaluronic Acid Serums

If you're looking to give hyaluronic acid serum spin, any of the five below are excellent picks that won't break your budget.

Pay Yourself First: What It Means, and How to Do It

Can't save money? Think again. Try this technique to automate your savings and reach your financial goals.

Almost 2000 uses for a can of WD-40

My dad always sang the praises of WD-40. "It's not just for a squeaky hinge or a rusty bolt" he'd say. Alas, my memory is not all that sharp and I couldn't quite remember how

14 Ways to Make Your Yard Look Awesome for Under $100

Yardwork is a pain, and can hurt you in the wallet, too. Try some of these easy ways to spruce up your yard without spending a lot of money.

Dissecting "Gift Guilt" - When Does Receiving a Gift Make You Feel Bad?

Ever since I was a child, I have been taught that when you receive a gift you should be happy about it and then give something back in return. To this day I still believe that is g

How to refill an ink cartridge with a small piece of tape

Is your printer lying to you? If you own a Brother inkjet printer, that's probably a big yes. As Slate magazine reports, a clever chap over at has discovered

6 Steps to Eliminating Your Debt Painlessly

Eliminating Debt Painlessly. Rarely do you see these words fit together in a neat little sentence. The very act of putting your hard earned money towards the stack of debts you've

17 DIY Projects to Make Your Home Look Amazing (and 3 You Shouldn't Try)

Stop staring at those ugly cabinets and do something! These easy DIY projects can totally transform your home.

Horizon Organic Milk: Is it All Just Lies?

There are some misleading and downright deceptive statements on Horizon Organic's packaging. Let's deal with them one at a time.

Five Beauty Products I've Learned To Live Without

Beauty products are my weakness. I don't feel as guilty spending money on them because they're always cheaper than 20 dollars (well, the ones I buy anyway). But this is a bad habit

5 One-Size-Fits-All Spending Tips That Don’t Really Fit Everyone

From cutting up credit cards to cutting out lattes, these pervasive personal finance tips are repeated again and again, but could be bad advice for you.

netSpend: The Story of the Visa Debit Card We Did Not Apply For

This is my story of shock, anger, and finally disgust at the practices of netSpend.

Credit Card Signatures Are Going Away — Should You Be Worried?

Major credit card networks are eliminating the need for signatures at the point of sale. What does that mean for you?

4 Ways a Home Energy Audit Will Save You Money

Those drafty windows and ancient appliances are costing you, big time. This is one audit you'll be happy to endure.

I Checked My Credit Score in 11 Places — Here's What I Learned

Why pay $15 for a credit score when you can get one for free? Turns out not all credit scores are the same.

9 Childhood Collectibles Worth Big Bucks Today

Climb into the attic or visit your storage locker — those old toys and games you held onto for no reason may be worth thousands today.

5 Financial Mistakes You Need to Stop Making by 30

By the big Three-Oh, you're no finance rookie. Leave these money mistakes in your 20s and kick bad spending habits to the curb. No excuses!

Why invest in the stock market?

The conventional reason for investing in the stock market--perhaps offered with a bit less confidence now that we're in the midst of a stock market crash--is, "It offers higher ret