Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Should you spend your money while you can?

A new article on Slate today details a study by some economists that say people should enjoy their money while they are still healthy and young. The conclusion of their study is th

Ask the Readers: Have You Started Saving for Retirement?

Tell us whether you've started saving for retirement and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5-Minute Finance: Checking Your Credit Score

Do you know your credit score? You should — and it only takes five minutes to find out.

The 5 Best Primers

Take care of the skin you're in by using the right primer for your face. Any of these five best primers are great choices!

Banks Still Offering Free Checking and Savings with Great Interest Rates

Tired of fee-gouging from your old bank? Here are the banks with the best checking and savings terms.

The 16 Cardinal Rules of Loaning Money to Friends and Family

Actually, the simplest rule is "Don't." But if you must, here's what you do to make it as painless as possible.

10 Stocks That Are Actually Having a Good Year

The Stock Market stumbled into 2016, pulled down by cheap oil and worries about China. Despite all that, these stocks are stepping lively into spring.

9 Ways Being Too Responsible Can Cost You

It's always smart to do the sensible thing, right? Usually — until being sensible starts costing you real money.

Quickly Remove Scratches From CDs and DVDs

Here are the results of my exploration to remove scratches from my CDs and DVDs, complete with my own experience with each remedy.

8 Easy DIY Car Repairs to Save Big

When it comes to small auto repairs, skip the repair shop and find your inner greasemonkey — it's much cheaper and plenty satisfying, too.

25 Quick, Cheap Lunch Ideas

You lunch doesn’t have to be a budget-buster or bland. These 25 fast and inexpensive lunch ideas will keep your midday meals interesting and easy.

The 10 Best Networking Tips for People Under 40

Getting ahead in the world is all about who you know, so get out there and start meeting the people who can push you forward!

7 Ways to Increase Your Credit Score Quickly

Don't let a low credit score hold you back. You can get it on the upswing — faster than you might think.

How to Win a Fraud Dispute With Your Credit Card Company

Thanks to the Fair Credit Billing Act, the law's on your side when it comes to fraudulent card account charges. Here's how to protect your rights (and your wallet).

Three reasons to stop freaking out about socialism

McCain-Palin are trying to paint the Obama-Biden ticket as a bunch of socialist nutjobs. But 'socialism' isn't nearly the red menace that they are making it out to be, and McCain h

What Kind of Auto Insurance Do Uber Drivers Need?

Driving for Uber and not entirely sure you're covered? This guide will help.

7 Cheaper Versions of Your Favorite Products

Stop paying premium for name brands! Save big on these seven products by ignoring a fancy label.

100 Small Things That Can Bring You Joy

Need a quick mood boost? No matter where you are or what's got you down, you're sure to find a pick me up in this big list of small joys.

How to Eat Well on Just $20 a Week (With Meal Plans!)

If you shop smart and keep your recipes simple and healthful, you really can eat for a whole week on just $20. Here's how.

Flashback Friday: The 81 Best Tips for Saving Big at the Grocery Store

Sick of busting your budget wide open every time you head to the grocery store? These savings hacks will help.