Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Here's How You Maximize Fridge and Freezer Space

Americans waste as much as 40% of the food they buy. Do your part to reduce food waste by making the most of your fridge and freezer space.

6 Items You Might Have Forgotten in Your Emergency Kit

Building an emergency kit is a key step in disaster preparedness. Here's a look at six items you might have left off the list of necessities.

Life Insurance for Your Business

As a business owner, you probably already own more insurance policies than you ever imagined you would: liability, contents, vehicles, and any number of policies are often stric

Best Money Tips: Spring Birthday Party Ideas For Kids

Today we found some great articles on spring birthday party ideas for kids, strategies to boost your retirement savings, and steps on the road to financial stability.

Make the Most of Your Business Expenses with Travel Rewards

These days, getting frequent flyer miles are more helpful than ever. The airlines are charging more and running less flights, but the demands of a business traveler haven't gone

The Limits to Just Not Buying

Some expenses can't be eliminated, but several can be removed temporarily. Knowing when to start buying again can be as important as when to stop.

5 Financial Holidays I'd Like to See

If people can claim Turkey Neck Soup Day is a holiday, then we should celebrate some more-useful financial holidays too.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Merchant Account

More and more consumers are putting away their cash and just relying on plastic. As a business owner, what can you do to get the most out of your merchant account and please you

7 Things the Craziest Christmas Fanatics Do

It's easy to get caught up in the spirit of the season. Too easy, in fact, for these holiday celebrants who take holiday excess to excess.

6 Smart Ways Parents Can Save on Back-to-School Clothes

Your kids need new clothes for the school year, but they don't have to cost you an arm and a leg.

Best Money Tips: How to Negotiate Your Salary

Today we found some great articles on how to negotiate your salary, what you need to know about down payments, and eating healthy on the road for less.

Why Stellar Service Alone Doesn't Produce Amazing Profits

If you're consistently providing stellar service but your cash flow is stagnating, here's what might be wrong and what you can do to produce higher profits.

5 Great Beer Apps to Kick-Start Your Summer

Parched? Handle this summer's heat waves with these apps made just for beer connoisseurs.

Subscription Software: A Good Financial Choice

Subscription software offers some cost-saving opportunities for the typical small business, not to mention convenient access to the tools you and your business need.

9 Helpful (and Weird) Uses for Hair and Excess Pet Fur

I'm not going to claim that they're all pleasant, but from charity donations to creating crafts, there are several ways to reuse human hair and pet fur.

Noncompete Clauses for Business Owners

The terms of a noncompete clause, which are often referred to as "covenants not to compete," can vary.

4 Ways to Eat Healthy(ish) From Vending Machines

Vending machines aren't the best places to find nutritious snacks. But if you're in a pinch, you can stay healthy with these compromise choices.

5 Ways Women Are Better Investors Than Men

In general, women investors are more risk-adverse than men investors. But who earns the better returns?

Financial Risks and More in Global Sourcing

Global sourcing holds the promise of higher profits through cost savings on nearly any product imaginable. But risks lie in nearly every stage of the sourcing process.

Investing in Your Community Will Boost Your Sales

No matter where you are based, your company is part of the local community. Your community and your customers are not mutually exclusive.