Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 9 Good Reasons to Can Your Own Food

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you why canning is the real deal, how to find "super-secret" stadium deals, and how to encourage a capitalist kid!

Best Money Tips: 101 Free Alternatives to Paid Software

Today, we give you over 100 free computer tools, expert tips for stopping foreclosure, and low-cost costume ideas for this year's Halloween party!

12 Awesome Things You Didn't Know You Could Get at the Library

Your local library shares a lot more than books and old movies these days. Find out what you're missing by not renewing your library card.

Best Money Tips: Change Spending Habits to Increase Your Income

Today we found some amazing articles on changing spending habits to increase your income, the art of healthy discontentment, and creating a budget you'll stick with.

4 Essential Financial Tips For Kicking Off Your Career

If you've recently joined the workforce, you shouldn't just think about your career path; you should think about your financial path as well.

Wise Bread Reloaded: The Surprisingly Easy Way to Defend Your Knees and Other Air Travel Tips

You don't have to deploy a knee defender to fly comfortably. Try a few of these tips and tricks from Wise Bread's flight-savvy writers.

5 Reasons to Ignore the January Effect

Discover why some analysts think you should buy stocks now...and why you should ignore them.

Best Money Tips: How to Make a Decision Between Competing Job Offers

Today we found some awesome articles on making a decision between two job offers, saving on wedding dresses, and how to stop living in limbo.

Best Money Tips: Things You Can Learn From Your Tax Return

Today we found articles on things you can learn from your tax return, planning for financial emergencies, and downsides to DIY financial planning.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/4, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win Prizes!

Topic: Getting Your Financial Life Together! Join our conversation with Erin Lowry for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #GYFLT to participate.

Why Getting Out of Debt is Like Running a Marathon

A few years ago, I ran a marathon. And while it taught me a lot about exercise, it might have taught me even more about money.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/11, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Keeping Mother's Day Affordable! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Perform a Credit Card Rewards Annual Review

Want to make sure you're getting the most airline miles, cash back, and whatever other rewards your credit cards offer? Do this quick annual review.

Do You Know These 5 Financial Lessons Most People Learn in Their 40s?

Being forty-something means you've got life all sorted out, right? Confused or certain, these are the money lessons you must learn before 50.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save When Buying Your First Home

Today we found articles on ways to save on your first home, tips for building your personal brand, and when you should not DIY.

Best Money Tips: How to Become a Millionaire

Today we have some awesome tips on how to become a millionaire, strengthening your emergency fund, and getting refunds when your travel plans go awry.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 2/3, 12pm Pacific for Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: What's your family's emergency plan? Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate.

The 5 Most Offensive Halloween Costumes Ever

If you think about the time and effort that went into these truly offensive costumes, it makes your headspin, gruesomely, like in The Exorcist.

Frugal Oscar Party Ideas

Trying to imitate Hollywood luxury can make your Oscars-watching party cost the same as a big-budget film. Here's how to celebrate for less.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 10/30, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Financial Fears! Join our conversation with COUNTRY Financial for chance to win $300 in Amazon gift cards! Use #CFSIndex and #WBChat to participate!