Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Dispute Mistakes On Your Credit Report

Notice something amiss on your credit report? Don't fret. This is how you can dispute any mistakes.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, By the Month

Not sure which fruits and vegetables are 'in season'? Here's a handy list to help you out!

8 Truths From a Mystery Shopper You Must Read Before You Get Started

These eight tips are vital to making money in the somewhat misunderstood profession of mystery shopping.

12 Garage Sale Items That Sell Like Hotcakes

You've finally decluttered your house. Feature these items prominently in your ads and your sale to draw the crowds — and the cash.

Personal Finance Lessons from Online Adventure Game (RuneScape)

A friend shared with me some strategies he's learned for playing RuneScape. Can these strategies be applied to personal finance? Let's see.

Chinese Money Habits - How My Culture Influences My Attitudes Toward Money

I moved to the United States when I was a child from Yangzhou, China. After sixteen years, I could easily pass as an American because I speak English without an accent, and I am w

9 Smart Home-Buying Tips From Real Estate Experts

If you're in the market for a new home, use these smart home-buying tips from real estate experts to guide you.

10 Simple Household Repairs Every Frugal Person Should Master

Why call an expensive pro to fix every little thing around the house when you can just DIY? Get out your toolkit and get to work!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Groceries?

Tell us how you save money on groceries and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Google Way: A Book Review (And a Chance to Win!)

I don’t know why I’ve put off reading and reviewing this book. It’s one that was on my “must-read” list for some time. With its common-sense but unique approach to business manage

Ask the Readers: What Are You Most Looking Forward to in 2012?

Tell us about what you are most looking forward to in 2012 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Financial Goals for 2016?

Tell us about your financial goals for 2016 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Pay Off These 4 Types of Debt

Before you start making significant payments towards your debt, make sure you're doing it the right way, and in the right order.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Thanksgiving Tradition?

Tell us about your favorite Thanksgiving tradition and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Your First House

Buying a house? Before you rush in, review this list for first-time buyers.

Why You Should Use a Personal Loan to Pay Down Debt

This might seem like surprising financial advice, but you should consider paying off debt with a personal loan.

Should We All Just Stop Paying the Mortgage?

Should you take advantage of the $700 billion bailout plan to help struggling homeowners and stop paying your mortgage?

40 Restaurants That Offer Senior Discounts

What a drag it is getting old — except for the discounts. Bookmark this list and never forget where seniors can eat for cheaper.

Should You Use a Personal Loan or a Home Equity Loan to Remodel Your Home?

Looking to remodel your home? Here's how to decide between a personal loan and a home equity loan to pay for it.

How to Use Up Remaining Balances on Prepaid Gift Cards

Looking in my wallet, there are no less than 5 prepaid debit or gift cards hiding at any one time.