Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How To Read an Annual Report

If you're like most investors, those bulky annual reports that arrive on your doorstep are a waste of time and resources. If you want to get the most out of your annual reports,

Drugstore Freebies: More Than Junk Food and Harsh Chemicals

Some haters think that playing the drugstore instant rebates is actually a waste of time and money. I counter that you can't waste money if you don't spend any money, and as for ti

The Simple Way to Decide Which Credit Card to Pay Off First

Don't just wing it. When credit card debt is piling up, one of these strategies can kick your repayment plan into high gear.

You've Defaulted on Your Loan. Now What?

If late loan payments have snowballed into default, don't panic. It's time to dust yourself off and get back on track.

12 Great Side Jobs for Outdoorsy Types

If your 9-to-5 is crushing your spirits, consider one of these fresh air side hustles that'll get you outdoors — and unchained from your desk.

17 Part-Time Jobs to Do While Your Kids Are at School

While the kids are away, SAHMs and SAHDs can earn some extra pay!

5 Money-Saving Tips Online Retailers Hope You Don't Know

With so many online retailers offering promos, discounts, and sales, there's really no reason to pay retail. Ever. Learn how to get the best deals shopping online.

Suze Orman Tells Us To Pay ONLY The Minimum On Credit Cards. Wait, What?!

You’re not seeing things. This is not an April Fool’s gag (although if I’d written this last year it would have been). No, this is Suze Orman’s latest advice and it is a complete 1

10 Rules of Etiquette Everyone Should Know (and Follow!)

Etiquette is the grease that keeps the gears of civilization turning. Do your part by following these 10 basic rules of etiquette.

5 Ways to Pay Off High Interest Credit Card Debt

Don't let high interest credit card debt totally derail your money. Pay it off, quickly, with a few smart moves.

Thirteen Minutes to a Lower Cable Bill

As with many overpriced services, getting a better deal on pay-TV isn't hard. Just call armed with better competitive offers and threaten to leave. I did it on-camera in this story

Five Tips to Sell Any Home Fast

No matter the market, if you use these five steps, you'll sell your home fast.

5 Things Your Financial Planner Isn't Telling You About Retirement

Relying too much on your financial planner may be costing you. Make sure you retire the smart way, with your interests at the forefront — and not your adviser's.

Flashback Friday: 59 Tips to Help You Nail That Job Interview

Have a big job interview coming up? Don't worry, with our guide to help, you got this!

The Surprising Truth of Investing: Mediocre Advice Is Best

While you might wish for superior investing advice, it turns out mediocre advice is really all you need.

Getting the Most Out of Salary Comparison Sites

Asking for a raise isn't as simple as strutting into your boss' office and demanding more money. You have to make your case with objective data, and that's where salary-comparison

3 Ways More Money in Retirement Might Cost You

Having an extra large nest egg is a good thing! But to be sure, it comes with extra headaches you'll have to manage.

The Guide to Staying at Hostels for People Over 30

Hostels aren't just for 20-somethings. No, really, even adults can slash the cost of lodging by staying at hostels instead of hotels.

Last-Minute, Stress-Free Holiday Decorating

Whether you've never decorated for the holidays before or just want a fresh look, here's how to do it quickly, without spending a ton of cash or losing your mind.

How to Handle Credit Card Debt When You're Unemployed

Credit card debt while unemployed feels like insult added to injury. But you can pull through: Here's how.