Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Things You Should Never Buy at the Dollar Store (and 10 You Should)

You can get a lot of stuff you need at the dollar store at unbeatable prices — just as long as you know what products are real bargains, and which ones really aren't.

Everybody's Wrong About How Much House You Can Afford

Owning too much house often leads to your house owning you. Avoid becoming house poor with a radical approach to housing costs.

9 Investing Questions You're Too Embarrassed to Ask

Don't let pride get in the way of your financial education. When it comes to your money, it's dumb not to ask the basic questions first!

5 Mental Biases That Are Keeping You Poor

Your love of lattes might not be totally to blame for your low funds. Cognitive biases could be derailing every one of your money-related decisions.

The Best and Worst Nuts, by Nutrition and Price

Nuts are healthy, make easy snacks, and pack a lot of protein. But not all nuts are created equal. Discover the best nuts in terms of cost and health benefits.

9 Home Improvements You Should Always Negotiate

Hiring pros to tackle your biggest home improvement projects is unavoidable. What is avoidable is paying exactly what they ask.

5 Reasons Not to Use Debit Cards When You Shop Online

Before you place an order through your favorite online retailer, consider these reasons to use credit instead of debit.

Why Our Brains Want to Buy New Stuff, Even When We Don't Need It

Overspending on stuff you don't need is a problem for many Americans. Learn why the solution is not so simple as "spend less," and what you can actually do to help.

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Beauty Essentials

Just because the world has changed doesn't mean you need to neglect your beauty regimens. These products are budget-friendly and will make you feel like a glowing goddess.

Are Starter Homes Still a Thing?

Starter homes used to be the norm. But in today's housing market, you might not need those homeowner training wheels.

5 Homemade Stain Removers That Actually Work

For pesky household stains, skip the store-bought cleaners — you can beat the grime with common household items you already have.

5 Savings Tricks You Haven't Tried Yet

If saving was easy, we'd all be saving more. Try one or more of these savings strategies and see if the habit doesn't finally stick.

5 Ways to Invest Like a Pro — No Financial Adviser Required

You don't need to hire a financial pro to invest like one. Try these DIY tips, and watch the confidence roll in.

How to Protect Your Child From Identity Theft

Identity theft is scary. When your kids are the target, it's positively terrifying.

7 Modern Reasons to Visit Your Local Library Today

The library isn't just a building full of old books. You can have a whole lotta fun there — for free!

How to Get a Free Fraud Alert on Your Credit Report

Placing a fraud alert on your credit report is an easy (and free!) way to protect yourself from identity theft. But there's a catch.

15 Delicious and Easy Ways to Enjoy Canned Peaches

Skip the transition from winter to spring by fast-forwarding to warm summer days via a can of sweet and delicious peaches.

30 Unexpected Uses for Mineral Oil

From removing beach tar to bleeding mountain bike brakes, mineral oil has lots and lots of uses. Here are 30 to try.

Five Beauty Products I've Learned To Live Without

Beauty products are my weakness. I don't feel as guilty spending money on them because they're always cheaper than 20 dollars (well, the ones I buy anyway). But this is a bad habit

7 Everyday Things That Are Surprisingly Awesome Investments

It's not every day a thrift store find turns out to be a DaVinci, but that doesn't mean your everyday finds aren't worth something. What's hiding in your attic?