Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Negotiation Comfort Zone: How to Improve Your Negotiation Skills

To be a successful business owner, it is crucial to be comfortable negotiating, both in casual and formal situations.

What Is a Lipper Average, and Why Should We Care?

Companies brag about how their mutual funds beat Lipper averages. That sounds awesome...until you learn a little more about what a Lipper average is.

Financial Benchmarking: How Do You Compare to Your Competitors

Benchmarking your performance against that of your competitors can propel you to greatness.

Best Money Tips: Financial Strategies for Stay at Home Parents

Today we found some great articles on financial strategies for new stay at home parents, how to settle down in a new city, and life insurance policies you don't need.

Best Money Tips: Make a Stranger Smile

Today we found some great articles on ways to make people smile, how to beat the banks and live frugally, and billionaire habits to pick up.

Here's How Generosity Actually Improves Your Life

Everyone knows giving is its own reward, but it's nice to know that giving gives back to the giver, too. Here's how.

How to Avoid Moving Scams

What sucks worse than moving? Getting scammed by your movers. Here's how to avoid getting taken to the cleaners by unscrupulous moving companies.

Expected Value: How to Play the Odds and Come Out Ahead

By understanding the expected value concept, and making realistic assessments of your odds of success, you can make better decisions about how to allocate limited resources.

15 Nutritious Breakfasts for People With Busy Mornings

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day — but who has time? You do, if you choose these quick, nutritious (and delicious) morning bites.

Best Money Tips: Natural Ways to Relieve Tiredness

Today we found some great articles on natural ways to relieve tiredness, the most expensive coffees in the world, and travel tips from the experts.

Best Money Tips: Save Money While You Sleep

Today we found some great articles on saving money while you sleep, strategies to pay for college, and how to afford gourmet food every day.

How Bazaarvoice Beat the Odds

Austin has a thriving tech startup community, and there is perhaps no better representative of its unique entrepreneurial culture than Bazaarvoice.

12 Ways Your Financial Statements Tell Lenders the Wrong Story

Your financial statements may not make the bestseller list, but they do tell an intriguing story — at least to a banker. Unfortunately, the tale they tell may be misleading.

5 Things People Who Have Their Dream Jobs Do

If your goal is to land your dream job — congrats! Goal-setting is half the battle. Now go out there and get it done.

How to Become a Premier Local Brand

When potential customers decided to purchase products from lower-cost sources, one regional business decided to go luxury instead...with great results.

3 Ways Science Says Cat GIFs Are Good for You

Don't feel too bad the next time you lose an afternoon to Grumpy Cat GIFs or dashcam videos — science says it's good for you. Find out why!

Free Advertising: The Magic of Getting Media Attention

Think your business is too boring to snag journalists with a press release? Nope. With a little creativity, any business can get free advertising through PR.

Best Money Tips: Biggest Urban Myths of Personal Finance

Today we found some great articles on the biggest urban myths of personal finance, creative ways to reuse K-cups, and ways to save money when you’re making minimum wage.

5 Ways to Earn More Every Week

Pursue a few modest sales and marketing efforts each week and by year's end you'll enjoy a healthier bottom line.

10 Reasons Results Based Management Matters to Small Business

Results-based management is a must for firms with lots of offsite employees. It offers plenty for the rest of us, too.