Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Money-Saving Tips for April

Today we found helpful articles on ways to save money in April, bad habits that rob you blind, and budget-friendly ways to improve your health.

Ask the Readers: How Much Do You Spend on Your Hobbies?

Tell us how much you spend on your hobbies and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 08/15

Today's top deals includes Terminator Anthology and Mad Max Trilogy Blu-ray 50% off, $9.99 board games, 50% off David's Bridal dresses, and more!

Best Money Tips: Overpriced Grocery Items to Skip

Today we found some great articles on overpriced grocery items to skip, reasons to become a cheapskate, and a personal finance cheat sheet for new parents.

5 Fun Ways the Sharing Economy Helps You Save on Vacation

From pet sitters to personal chefs, the sharing economy can help make your next vacation a memorable, and affordable, experience.

Best Money Tips: Frugal Hacks for Your Home

Today we found some stellar articles on frugal hacks for your home, fairly splitting bills, and money questions to ask before getting married.

Best Money Tips: Secrets to Getting More Done

Today we found some fantastic articles on secrets to getting more done, quitting your job the right way, and staying warm for less this winter.

Best Money Tips: What to Expect From Memorial Day Sales

Today we found helpful articles on what to expect from this year’s Memorial Day sales, cars to avoid no matter what, and composting myths debunked.

The Gen X Last-Minute-Get-Creative Xmas Present Alternative

Does nothing in the mall or your craft book seem like it will please the discerning taste of the Gen-Xer on your Christmas list? Don't want to spend a lot on them anyway? Consider

8 Reasons Why You Should Get a 3D Printer

The future of crafts, repair, tinkering, and invention may be one of these new printers, which can make everything from Legos to car parts.

How to Do Money Like a Grown-Up

Say goodbye to the messy money matters of your youth. It's time your money sat at the grown-ups table.

11 Ways to Prep for "Guerrilla Retirement"

More aggressive and less conventional than typical retirement plans, guerrilla retirement goes beyond the 401(k). Here's how to prepare for your own guerrilla retirement.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 10/3, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: The Government Shutdown! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

Too broke to be frugal?

The first few years after I got out of college my finances were seriously out of control. I was making pretty good money, but I was spending all of it. Worse, I wasn't keeping tr

Wise Bread Hits the Internet Airwaves!

You’ve read the posts, shared in the forums, and even posted some very worthy comments. Now there’s one more way to “live large on a small budget,” and it’s available via Blog Tal

The Expiring Bush Tax Cuts: What’s the Fuss?

Given the continually fragile state of the economy and enormous budget deficits, should the tax cuts be extended or should they be permitted to expire?

Best Money Tips: Raise Your Kids and Save Money, Too

Your precious little ones bring so much joy, so much fulfillment, and so much credit card debt. This week in Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup, we explore ways to save money

Obama Eases Treasury Costs with At-Home Money Printing Stimulus

Everyone is feeling the economic crunch these days, and that includes the Treasury department. It’s no news to anyone here that there has been increasing unhappiness with President

Here's What You Should Know About Bitcoin

Bitcoin — the online, electronic currency — has been in the news a lot lately, but it's still mysterious to most of us. Learn what it is and if it fits into your lifestyle.

5 Reasons to Stay Away From Penny Stocks

Don't let the get-rich tales of penny stocks fool you. More often than not, it's best to steer clear.