Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: Will You Vote This Election? (Chance to Win $20!)

Are you voting in this November's midterm election? Share your answer for a chance to win a $20 Amazon GC!

Best Money Tips: Dining Hacks From Restaurant Insiders

Today we found some fantastic articles on dining hacks from restaurant insiders, reconsidering the college investment, and tools to help you find the cheapest textbooks.

Best Money Tips: How to land (and keep!) a seasonal job

Today, we have tips on how to get a seasonal job and keep it after the holidays, make new things out of old T-shirts, organize your day on a Post-It, and more!

Best Money Tips: Reach Your Goals By Measuring Them

Today, we share how you can achieve your goals and resolutions by measuring them, the down-low on hand sanitizers, fun and frugal ways to bond with your family, and more!

Best Money Tips: Home Cooking Tips for Newbie Chefs

Today we found articles on home cooking tips for newbie chefs, easy ways to strengthen your bones, and tax misunderstandings that could cost you.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/18, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Movies on the Cheap! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

9 Unusual Stores Where You Can Find Great Bargains

Instead of hitting the grocery store or the mall, head to these unusual shops to find the best deals.

Best Money Tips: Where to Cash in Your Clutter

Today we found some helpful articles on where to cash in your clutter, things you didn’t know about procrastination and how to cure it, and travel tips for infrequent travelers.

Best Money Tips: How to Fix Common Shopping Mistakes

Today we found articles on how to fix common shopping mistakes, ways to get free or low cost pet care, and how to change habits that age you.

How to Preserve Critical Vendor Relationships

Monitoring cash balances is essential and withholding payments until the last moment may be necessary, but be careful: being slow to pay  may alienate you from vendors.

How Taking a Sabbatical Can Help Your Business

It seems counter-intuitive for us to take (what some may see as) excessive time off from our businesses in order to prosper and grow. But it works.

Best Money Tips: Save Money Around the House

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save money around the house, dining out on a budget, and secrets of cell phone carriers.

Best Money Tips: Get an Inexpensive Workout

Today we found some great articles on inexpensive ways to get a workout, how to have a successful garage sale, and how to buy more house for less money.

The Truth About Government Contracting

It's hard to think of a product or service that Federal, State, or local government agencies don’t use -- and they want to buy it from us, small business owners. Here's how you

Fee Fighters: Fighting for Low Credit Card Processing Fees

Whether you occasionally resell thrift finds or have a more established business, Fee Fighters can help you get the best deal with credit card processors.

10 Surprising Facts About Flooding and Your Home

What do you know about flood protection? Even if you have insurance, you might not be covered...but getting coverage might also be easier than you think.

Passive Income for Every Entrepreneur

Passive income is maximizing your income with a minimal amount of effort by yourself or your employees. Here are five ways passive income can be incorporated into your business.

How to Quit Your Job

Leaving your job is not as simple as yelling "I quit!" (even if that's what you want to do). Discover how to take the right steps to ensure your future success.

How Nutrition Labels Are About to Get Better

Nutrition Facts labels are about to get their first major makeover in 25 years. Will they help us eat healthier?

Best Money Tips: 15 Ways to Reinvent Yourself

Today we found some great articles on ways to reinvent yourself, things you shouldn’t put in your compost pile, and frugal tips that may not be so frugal after all.