Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

17 Places to Find Investment Inspiration

Investing ideas are plentiful. Pay attention, and you'll recognize profitable possibilities wherever you are.

When will the bailouts stop? A summary of 2008 stimulus packages and bailouts in the United States

2008 will probably go down in history as the year of bailouts, crashes, and meltdowns. Here is a quick run down of all the laws and bills congress pushed through with lightning spe

Frugal Living Lessons From The First Thanksgiving

Here in the United States, Thanksgiving is a holiday governed by some fairly specific traditions. We know that these traditions are mostly modern inventions, but on some level we a

Want a Company to Hear You? Talk to Their “People.”

Sure, you could call a company's customer service line in times of trouble. I've done it in the past with excellent results. I've also run into the occasional “I don't care.” Th

Recession Journal Part I: 'Fast' Money in the '09

Forget about the fact that it's a recession. What you do now determines where you will be when the graph trends up again. What if you stopped dropping duckets like you dropped weig

8 Ways to Reduce Mortgage Closing Costs

Mortgage closing costs can add up to thousands of dollars. Discover how you can easily and drastically reduce these costs.

Stuff We Love: A Mimijumi Baby Bottle, Because It's More Like Mom

Why does the Mimijumi work so well? A bottle this similar to mom makes the transition from breast to bottle easy as pie.

Best Money Tips: What to Expect at Memorial Day Sales

Today we found helpful articles on what you can expect from this year’s Memorial Day sales, items you should never buy new, and ways to use up “old” food.

Master Your Life and Stop Self-Sabotage (Book Review)

You almost get that job promotion you yearn so badly for, but things fall through at the last minute. Every time your love life gets serious, the relationship blows apart. You woul

How to Get Yourself Into Debt

Rarely will you stumble across an article that actually tells you how to get into debt. It's time to end the discrimination and give people who want to get into debt a list of tips

Placing Prepositions: Where you from? Where you at?

Our spending and money management choices may be influenced by factors we can't control in our own minds as well as factors we couldn't control growing up. You may ask, to what are

5 Best Amazon Deals for Monday 10/21

Last minute Halloween Shopping? We've got 5 great deals for you!

My 2016 Budget Challenge: How to Buy a House When You Live Paycheck to Paycheck

Max shares what she learned about compound savings while saving for a house — and how she's using those lessons in this year's budget challenge.

8 of Your Childhood Heroes Filed for Bankruptcy

Honest Abe's not the only role model to have filed for Chapter 11.

Preparing for Family Emergencies with Cloud Computing

Here are some of the most practical and simple ways to get your family's vital stats stored safely online, along with tips for retrieving it quickly!

A New Bank On The Block: Fee Free Banking with Simple

If you're looking for a great online bank with loads of tools and services and zero fees, check out the new bank in town: Simple.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 6/30, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Having a Frugal 4th of July! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Are You Being Ripped off at the Gas Station?

Is the amount of gas you are pumping - and paying for - really the amount of gas that ends up in your tank? Here's a quick and easy test to make sure you are getting your money's w

5 Best Cities for Going Car-Free

If you're thinking of ditching your car for a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle, these are the cities you need to live in.

The Best and Worst Things to Buy in July 2012

Potect your wallet and spend your money wisely in July! Read through for the best and worst things to buy this month.