Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

New $5 bill unveiled

The US Treasury today unveiled a new $5 bill, with security features intended to make it harder to bleach out a $5 and use the paper to counterfeit a $100 bill.

Honesty Really Is the Best Policy, Especially at Work

When you listen to the news, it can sometimes feel like dishonesty is the only sure way to get ahead. Discover why telling the truth really counts.

13 alternatives to paying for homework help

Being overwhelmed with homework seems to be a badge of parental honor. If homework is heaping, you may look to costly resources for help. In "How Homework Is Hurting Our Fa

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 10/4, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Retirement! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

8 Cheap Ways to Update a Wardrobe You Hate

If shopping for new clothes is on your brain but not in your budget, check out these totally cheap ways to help you love your wardrobe again.

5 ways to get better sleep...TONIGHT!!!

I'm not what you would call "A Good Sleeper." Never have been, at least not as long as I can remember. Since going through a day zombie-like is not fun (and not very

Does a plastic cork make for a lousy wine?

I remember the first time my mother opened a bottle of wine that featured a plastic cork. She gasped audibly; the family gathered in the kitchen, where we took turns poking at this

Seen Something for 70% Off or More? Buy It.

if you want to put some extra bucks in your pocket before, during, and after the holidays, here are some tips on finding deals and reselling for a tidy profit.

Variable prices, and what economists like about them

From the buyer's point of view, a "market price" is great. This is not only because he or she doesn't have to get a bunch of prices quotes to avoid being cheated

High-End Content for WWW Prices

Why are you reading this blog post when you could be reading acclaimed journalism or award-winning authors for free? Well, blogs like this one are good for money-saving tips. Bu

The Quiet Millionaire: Parts 4 & 5 - Building Your Net Worth

In The Quiet Millionaire, author and Certified Financial Planner Brett Wilder gives common-sense advice on how to build net worth: “Your goal should be to make the value of what yo

Save gas; don't make left-hand turns.

You have to hand it to UPS. They crunched the numbers, they looked at the hard facts and they figured out that by limiting the number of left-hand turns made, you can save a whole

Better Than Barbie: 5 Free Toys Kids Will Love

There's a good chance that the "junk" around your home could become your kids' favorite toys (and they can even make great Christmas gifts).

Best Money Tips: Cheap Alternatives to Cable

Today we found some great articles on cheap alternatives to cable, tips to save money in the new year, and savings ideas for online shopping.

And did you do it with respect?

A few years back, I read a profile of a holistic fitness guru.  There was a sidebar with a little quiz

Best Money Tips: Best Life Hacks of 2012

Today we found some stellar article on the best life hacks of 2012, how to save on your electric bill, and ways to make extra money.

6 Ways Brand Loyalty Costs You Money

You'd think being loyal to certain brands would be financially rewarding, but not always.

5 Frugal Ways to Go Green in 2013

Make 2013 your year to help the environment...and your wallet. Here a five simple ways to turn over a new leaf and save a little money, too.

How to NOT Get What You Want From Customer Service

There are right ways to complain to businesses...and there are wrong ways. These are definitely the wrong ways (plus, how to make them right).

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/20, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Last-Minute Holiday Shopping! Join our conversation with Andrea Woroch for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #AWChat to participate!