Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Fight Back Against Your Inner Critic

Today, we share seven things to tell the voice in your head when it's bringing you down, the worst retail store policies for shoppers, and ways to stretch your food dollars.

Runaway Debt, Can You Ever Pay It Back?

If runaway debt is taking over your life, here's some help from a perhaps unexpected source: rock band Soul Asylum.

Best Money Tips: Grocery Shopping Tips from Extreme Couponers

Today we found articles on grocery shopping tips from extreme couponers, ways to save at Amazon, and how to have a better morning.

The 4 Most Effective Times for Setting a New Goal

Take advantage of some quirks in the calendar — and your psychology — to jumpstart your campaign to reach your next goal.

5 Times Dad Was Right About Money

Underneath the corny one-liners and dad jokes, your old man probably actually knew a thing or two about money.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Be the Early Bird

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to be the early bird, tips for helping your child with their first car purchase, and how to be a smart consumer.

4 Steps to Absorb the Cost of an at-Home Lifestyle

If you home-educate, work from home, or even just have a large family living together, it can wear your house — and your budget — out fast.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 2/17, 12pm Pacific for Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Frugal home renovation tips. Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate.

Make Sure You Get Paid and 4 Other Great Tips From Famous Commencement Speakers

It's graduation season! Let's look past the commencement speech cliches and find some true money wisdom famous folks have dished out to new grads.

Best Money Tips: How to Get Fresher Coffee With Stale Bread

Today we found articles on how to get fresher coffee with stale bread, foods that prevent hair loss, and easy ways to increase the value of your home.

Peak Debt and Income

When stimulating the economy, is it better to invest in the rich or the poor? Learn whether supply- or demand-side techniques are best.

Military Members Can Still Utilize Homebuyer Tax Credits

Last year, homebuyer tax credits helped boost the real estate market. Until April 30, certain service members can still take advantage of this benefit.

Best Money Tips: Surprising Things You Can Sell for Cash

Today we found articles on surprising things you can turn into cash, what car salesmen don’t want you to know, and how to prep for the most important decade of your financial life.

Energy Price Spikes

There are several ways to help deal with spikes in energy prices, but the main one is simple: Get used to it.

Cultural Considerations in Negotiations

It's crucial for small business owners to have an idea of the cultural factors affecting a negotiation going in, whether or not you're doing business internationally.

8 Ways to Grow Your Business with Email Subscriber Lists

Whether you’re launching your first campaign or want to make your current list more profitable, here are 8 proven ways to make your next email campaign a success.

Best Money Tips: Reduce Baggage While Traveling

Today we found some awesome articles on how to reduce baggage when traveling, creating a budget, and questions to ask your financial advisor.

8 Personal Finance Moves You Can Make While Jogging

Personal finance while jogging? With apps that make managing money easier than ever, fitness time can also be personal finance time.

Sexy Summer Dinners: 5 Great Hot-Weather Meal Ideas

Need fresh ideas for sultry summer dinners? Check out these elegant, guest-worthy, hot-weather meals.

Best Money Tips: Things Receptionists Won't Tell You

Today we found some great articles about things receptionists won't tell you, how to keep your A/C bill down this summer, and how to get free stuff.