Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Want a Company to Hear You? Talk to Their “People.”

Sure, you could call a company's customer service line in times of trouble. I've done it in the past with excellent results. I've also run into the occasional “I don't care.” Th

How to create a speculative bubble and profit

Recently I read an enlightening story in the New York Times about the Pu'er tea bubble in Yunan, China. The burgundy fermented teas fetched prices of $150 a pound at the peak, but

Best Money Tips: What to Expect at Memorial Day Sales

Today we found helpful articles on what you can expect from this year’s Memorial Day sales, items you should never buy new, and ways to use up “old” food.

Placing Prepositions: Where you from? Where you at?

Our spending and money management choices may be influenced by factors we can't control in our own minds as well as factors we couldn't control growing up. You may ask, to what are

Best Money Tips: Budgeting for the Present and Future

Today we found some stellar articles on budgeting for the present and future, buying life insurance, and financial considerations before you become your own boss.

Flashback Friday: 53 Beauty Hacks You Have to Try This Summer

Looking to master those beachy waves and keep your skin sunburn-free this summer? These beauty hacks will help.

5 Ways to Spend Less on Fido and Fluffy

While having a pet may make your life fuller, sometimes it won't make you monetarily richer. Here are five simple ways to save money on pet expenses.

The Lazy Mom's Guide to Eczema Care

I found out a little too late that eczema can scar your kids. So I've developed a protocol that even the laziest moms can follow to keep mild-to-moderate eczema at bay.

Quick Tip: How to Sell Your Home When Your Neighbors Are Too

Drive down one of the many residential streets in the nation and it is likely you will find one with multiple listings. It may look like a lot of possibilities if you are in the ma

Best Money Tips: Important Financial Tasks to Do Each Year

Today we found some fantastic articles on important financial tasks to do each year, things you should do with your money in your 20s, and the newlywed's guide to budgeting.

Best Money Tips: Ways to "Beat" the Stock Market

Today we found some great articles on ways to "beat" the stock market, saving for retirement, and prepping for guests with Dollar Store buys.

Best Money Tips: The Cost of Things

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we look at the cost of stuff, even stuff you don't really think about.

8 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Medicare Plan

Are you or your loved ones getting the most protection possible from Medicare?

14 Great Dishes You Can Make in the Microwave

Your microwave really can do more than pop popcorn and nuke leftovers. Challenge your appliance with these delicious, easy, and (of course) quick recipes.

10 Ways to Take 10 Minutes for Mom

Mothers work hard. Here are some simple ways for moms to take a moment to relax and pamper themselves.

6 Ways to Banish Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts can make you unproductive, crabby, and straight-up unhappy. Stay positive with these suggestions.

Stuff will never make you organized

There's a store near where I live that sells stuff for organizing your other stuff--racks, boxes, cabinets, and shelves for tools and toys, sweaters and shoes, spices and CDs. The

10 Awesome Jobs for People Who Want to Work From Home

It is possible to have a great job working from home — just follow one of these career paths.

Tips for Avoiding a Foreclosure Prevention or Loan Modification Scam

Rising home foreclosures have made con artists very busy. These scammers use the public records to find homeowners who are in trouble, and then use a variety of schemes to take

Best Money Tips: Hidden Costs That Can Derail Your Budget Travel Plans

Today we found articles on hidden costs that can break your travel budget, emergency preparedness tips for first-time renters, and ways to turn unwanted wedding gifts into cash.