Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Video on How to Spot Counterfeits

As part of introducing the new $100 that'll come out in February, the US Treasury is producing a video podcast, and the current episode is on spotting counterfeit notes.

8 Reasons You Should File Your Taxes as Soon as Possible

Tax Day will be here before you know it. Get your tax prep done now, and you can kick back and relax come April.

Getting the Most Out of Salary Comparison Sites

Asking for a raise isn't as simple as strutting into your boss' office and demanding more money. You have to make your case with objective data, and that's where salary-comparison

3 Ways More Money in Retirement Might Cost You

Having an extra large nest egg is a good thing! But to be sure, it comes with extra headaches you'll have to manage.

Employers Care More About Skills Than Your Degree — So Here's What You Should Do

In a tight job market for grads, marketable skills matter more than ever. Highlight what you can do today instead of that degree you earned yesterday.

Best Money Tips: Be a Millionaire by 25

Today, we give you advice from young millionaires, Halloween apps for spooky and safe fun, an intro to the What Not To Do list, and tips to help you negotiate medical bills.

Flashback Friday: 53 Grocery Shopping Tricks That'll Make Your Life Easier

We all waste a lot of time at the grocery. But these tricks will make the whole process easy breezy.

Are You Getting All the Credit Card Rewards You've Earned?

Credit card rewards programs look attractive, but there are several hidden costs, beginning with the cost of not redeeming those rewards.

Live Longer Without Running Out of Money: Highlights from Our Chat With Jean Chatzky

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Jean Chatzky on living longer without running out of money!

3 Invisible Savings Tips That Work

Discover savings methods so easy, they practically seem invisible.

People Who Love Their Bodies Do These 12 Things — Do You?

You don't have to look like a runway model to love the body you have. Start treating it with the care you both deserve.

5 Ways Everyone Can Make More Money

Sure, you want to make more money...but are you willing to do what it takes?

6 Warning Signs That You Need to Stop Using Your Credit Cards

Consumer credit is a wonderful convenience. It can also be a terrible burden. Learn to identify the signs of a burdensome credit relationship.

6 Simple Ways to Safeguard Against Bank Bullying

Banks can be like huge monsters, chomping up your cash with fee after fee. Here are six ways to fight back.

Best Money Tips: Convince Your Partner That Frugality Is the Way to Go

Today we found some stellar articles on convincing your partner that frugality is the way to go, things you're spending too much money on, and saving at Ikea.

Best Money Tips: How to Be More Interesting

Today, we share tips to help you be the most interesting you can be, a tutorial for adding an adjustable waist to pants, and an eco-friendly, budget-wise idea for gift wrapping.

Best Money Tips: The Money and Relationships Edition

Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on money and relationships!

Best Money Tips: Summer Jobs for the Early-Bird College Student

Today, we share the best summer jobs for college students (it's never too early to start looking!), decorating ideas straight from the grocery store, and more!

January: The Perfect Maintenance Month

Recently I learned several annual money-saving maintenance tips. All it took was a little snooping around my husband.

How to Enjoy the 12 Foods People Love to Hate

Ewww, gross, I'm not eating that! But you should! These foods are super healthy, and when prepared right, super delicious.