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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

30 Signs You Were Raised by Healthy Parents

Was junk food strictly verboten in your house growing up? How many of these signs of healthy living do you recognize from your childhood?

6 Top iPhone Apps for Voracious Readers

These 6 super apps will help you read more on the go, get more from the text you do read, and make each juicy word more enriching.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 1/12, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Job Hunting! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

5 Ways You're Sabatoging Yourself — and How to Stop

Ever wonder why your projects never get done and your relationships are always in turmoil? Maybe it's you. The good news? You have the power to fix it.

Best Money Tips: Donate Your Used Soap to Charity

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we're telling you how to donate soap to charity, the best way to make quick pickles, and how to make the most of a restu

Here's How Your Taxes Will Change After Marriage

Once the wedding bells stop ringing, it's time to get real about how your money might change after marriage — starting with taxes.

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale

I recently had my first garage sale ever as an adult. It was a wild success, if I do say so myself. How’d I do it? Here are some things I did that might be helpful when you plan yo

Best Money Tips: Strange Ways to Make Money

Today, we give you a survivor's list of edible plants, an unconventional idea for a side business, and tips to save money on kids' winter wear!.

Best Money Tips: Smartphone Time Management Mistakes

Today, we give you homemade face paint recipes for kids, ways that your smartphone can complicate your life, and tips to avoid teary eyes when cutting onions.

Best Money Tips: Job Interview Myths

Today, we share 10 myths about job interviews, green ideas for a sustainable Thanksgiving, and helpful tips for smooth carpooling.

5 Ways to Detox for Fall Without an Expensive Juice Cleanse

Juice cleanses are all the rage, but they're little more than sugary hype. Save your pennies and feel better for fall with these simple "cleanses."

Do You Know These 5 Financial Lessons Most People Learn in Their 40s?

Being forty-something means you've got life all sorted out, right? Confused or certain, these are the money lessons you must learn before 50.

Best Money Tips: How to Become a Millionaire

Today we have some awesome tips on how to become a millionaire, strengthening your emergency fund, and getting refunds when your travel plans go awry.

6 Things You'll Encounter When Taking Over a Loved One's Finances

Chances are most of us will eventually have to manage our parents' money. It's not as easy as it looks.

7 Grocery Store Habits That Are Making You Broke

You need food to survive, but the way you're buying it could be making you broke.

Best Money Tips: Money Skills Everyone Should Have

Today we found articles on over a hundred money skills everyone should have, what to look for in high quality products, and money-saving apps.

Best Money Tips: More Affordable Auto Insurance

Today we found some great articles on ways to make your auto insurance policy more affordable, money lessons for teens, and ways you could be wasting money.

16 Things Your Lawyer Won't Tell You

From overbilling to downright incompetence, our recent interviews with legal experts revealed 16 dirty secrets bad attorneys don't want you to know.

Best Money Tips: Surprising Ways to Beat Stress

Today we found some great articles on surprising ways to beat stress, bad habits you may have when you shop for clothes, and simple ways to be inspired.

4 Signs You Need a CFO

Hiring a CFO is one of the most important decisions a CEO or business owner can make. Here are a few of the signs you need to bring a finance executive onboard.