Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Host a Summer Party on a Budget?

Tell us how you host a summer part on a budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Ways to Qualify for a Mortgage With a Small Downpayment

A 20% down payment isn't pocket change. If you can't afford 20% down on your mortgage loan, you still have other loan options.

7 Affordable Destinations for Nature Lovers

You don't need to drain your budget to enjoy a beautiful vacation in the great outdoors. Get out there!

Thinking of Skipping the Home Inspection? Here's What It Will Cost You

Think you can save a few bucks by skipping a home inspection? Think again.

The 5 Best Products for Oily Skin

There are thousands of products on the market just for people with oily skin, and many of them are budget-friendly! Here are five excellent options.

5 Ways to Invest Like a Pro — No Financial Adviser Required

You don't need to hire a financial pro to invest like one. Try these DIY tips, and watch the confidence roll in.

9 Ways to Reverse Lifestyle Creep

More money in your paycheck can mean more spending on stuff you don't need. Time to get things back under control.

10 DIY Dog Toys You Can Make for Pennies

Instead of spending oodles of cash on toys your pup is only going to rip apart, make these cheap, easy, and sturdy dog toys with items you already have.

9 Things You Need to Know About a Home Appraisal

If you're a total newbie to the housing market, a home appraisal is your ticket to paying a fair price.

Free Food in Your Yard: Edible Weeds!

Who says that there's no such thing as a free lunch -- you probably have one growing in your yard! Many weeds are edible, and delicious. Best of all, they're free!

9 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Weekly Grocery Budget

Give your grocery list a modest makeover and you can save BIG.

12 Lessons in Manners From Around the World

Don't tip in Tokyo and don't bring wine to a dinner party in Paris. Follow these and 10 other tips in etiquette to stay classy wherever you are.

What Makes a Home's Location "Good"

When searching for the perfect new home, make sure the location is perfect, too.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Celebrate Valentine's Day Frugally?

Tell us how you celebrate Valentine's Day frugally and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

12 Ways to Stop Skipping Your Workouts

You really meant to do your workout today, but… Replace those I-meant-tos with actual workouts with some simple, effective motivators.

A Used Car Salesman Reveals Dirty Tricks (and How to Beat Them)

A former used car salesman reveals some tricks of the trade. Before you buy a used car, read this!

Snowballs or Avalanches: Which Debt Reduction Strategy Is Best for You?

There are two leading strategies for debt elimination. Both will work, but one gets you out of debt a little faster and a lot richer.

How I Successfully Gambled in Las Vegas Without Losing My Shirt

I came. I saw. I conquered Las Vegas without losing my shirt. Success.

4 Times a Handwritten Letter Can Save You Big Bucks

Don't ditch your stationery and penmanship skills just yet. They could save you real money.

Ask the Readers: When Do You Take Down Your Holiday Decorations?

Tell us when you take down holiday decorations and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!