Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Camping for a Week Is Only $160 at These National Parks

You'd think camping at one of our nation's great National Parks would be be pricey. Find out how affordable a week really is.

10 Really Easy Ways to Unclog Drains

When you're faced with a clogged drain and the plunger won't work, these 10 techniques could save you the cost of a plumber.

10 Things You Need to Know Before Taking Out a Personal Loan

There are plenty of reasons to consider taking a personal loan. But before you do, you need to consider some important factors.

The Real World Salaries of 8 Childhood Dream Jobs

Ever wonder how much money your childhood dream job really makes? Wonder no more.

Top 6 Reasons Why Using Cash-Only Rocks

While I am a cash-only person by circumstance (paid off the credit cards and never reopened accounts), I am so grateful that I live in a cash world.

5 Money Strategies for the Sandwich Generation

Your kids depend on you. Your aging parents depend on you. For the sandwich generation, smart money management is a must.

3 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy a New Car

Before you drop big bucks on a shiny new set of wheels, consider how much smarter it can be to buy used.

How to Get Your Kid Started With Investing

You don't have to wait until your kid grows up to show them how to invest. The earlier they start, the more they'll have later on!

5 Ways to Automate Your Finances

Let robots manage your money for you and you'll never pay a late fee or go over budget again.

Retire for Half the Cost in These 5 Countries

Help your retirement funds go twice as far by retiring in one of these beautiful locales abroad. They're almost too cheap to be true!

How to Boost Your Credit Score in Just 30 Days

If a single move could boost your credit score in a matter of weeks, you'd do it right? Here's how disputing incorrect data on your credit report can make a huge difference.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Have Frugal Fun?

Tell us how you have frugal fun and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

51 Uses for Coca-Cola – the Ultimate List

I was trawling the Internet recently searching for a way to remove a grease spot from a favorite shirt of mine. How it got there, well, I blame a faulty fork and not my clumsy mout

"Can you spare a square?" 5 quick tips on toilet paper usage.

That classic scene from Seinfeld got me thinking over the weekend. Is there a strategy for using toilet paper? Is it worth our time? But when I spend money to literally flush the p

9 Simple Acts of Self-Care for the Sandwich Generation

When caring for your parents and your children at the same time, stress is bound to find you. Remember to take care of yourself, too.

7 Apps That Actually Pay You to Shop

Need an easy way to get cash back for your shopping habit? Yep, there's an app for that.

5 Financial Mistakes You Need to Stop Making by 30

By the big Three-Oh, you're no finance rookie. Leave these money mistakes in your 20s and kick bad spending habits to the curb. No excuses!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Summer Parties?

Tell us about how you save on summer parties and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Pay Yourself First: What It Means, and How to Do It

Can't save money? Think again. Try this technique to automate your savings and reach your financial goals.

The vicious Home Rental Scam – don’t get conned.

It seems like new variations of the Nigerian 419 scam pop up every week. The one that caught my attention recently involved renting a home, and it’s a nasty trick that could take a