Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Low Cost Ways to Beat Stress

Emotional spending and expensive junk food binges -- budget busters -- are often triggered by stress. Here are 15 ideas for diminishing stress without spending a lot of money.

Best Money Tips: Money Skills Everyone Should Have

Today we found articles on over a hundred money skills everyone should have, what to look for in high quality products, and money-saving apps.

Cash-Strapped Businesses Turn to Purchase-Order Financing

Many business owners are turning to alternative lenders who offer to finance their purchase order.

The Value of a Business

Placing a value on your business is rarely a simple matter, but an independent appraisal can offer a very different number than what you might come up with.

Building Philanthropy Into a Business

Philanthropy can be built into the structure of your company and, depending on how you handle it, that philanthropy can improve your business.

Sharing Space to Save Money

Splitting your office, storefront, or warehouse with another business could help you save big...and not just on rent.

3 Must Have Business Agreements

These three agreements can keep your business -- and you -- from getting burned.

10 Ways to Check Your Ego at the Door

Even though it's your business it really isn't about you. It's about your business.

4 Lies Business Owners Tell Themselves

Optimism in business is essential, but so is realism. Are you lying to yourself about the state of your business?

Ask the Readers: Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster in Your Area?

Tell us if you're prepared for a natural disaster and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Why Stellar Service Alone Doesn't Produce Amazing Profits

If you're consistently providing stellar service but your cash flow is stagnating, here's what might be wrong and what you can do to produce higher profits.

Financial Risks and More in Global Sourcing

Global sourcing holds the promise of higher profits through cost savings on nearly any product imaginable. But risks lie in nearly every stage of the sourcing process.

How to Deliver Bad News to Your Banker

Nobody likes to hear bad news...especially when it's your bank hearing about problems with your loan. Learn how to best handle the situation and avoid financial disaster.

Planning an Entrepreneur's Retirement

Retirement planning may not be high on every entrepreneur's to-do list, but it should be.

9 Reasons People Don't Do What They Are Supposed to Do

Managing staff is rarely easy. Here are 9 distressing employee-management situations, and what you can do to correct them.

Easter Eggs Aren't Only For Easter

Easter Eggs -- inside jokes, hidden messages, secret bonuses -- reward customers who pay attention to your products and services. They reward you by coming back for more.

Flights from Europe to the US from $14.

I had to do a double-take, too. But the promise of super-cheap flights from Europe to the US is on the horizon. And it's not 10 years away as many people first thought. [more]

5 Best Amazon Deals for Monday 09/30

Today's great deals include 50% off high sierra backpacks, summer tees, classic skirts, Haggar men's blazers, and more!

Life Insurance for Your Business

As a business owner, you probably already own more insurance policies than you ever imagined you would: liability, contents, vehicles, and any number of policies are often stric

Making Your Web Presence Both Local and Global

Think globally, act locally. Or is it think locally, act globally? With some planning, both can be true for your online identity.