Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 50 Ingredients to Stock Up On

Today we found some great articles on ingredients you should stock up on, real health benefits of red wine, and how getting free stuff can cost you.

5 Pitfalls of Price Promotions

You can't "make it up with volume" if your your pricing strategy is not aligned with your business strategy.

7 Foods That Are Actually Better Buys at a Restaurant

Dining out is not great for budgets or waistlines. But for certain dishes and ingredients, the restaurant is often your best — or only — choice.

5 Ways to Build Business Credit When You're Self-Employed

If you're self-employed, you have two credit scores to worry about: Yours, and your business's.

6 Considerations When Hiring a Celebrity Spokesperson

Planned carefully, a marketing campaign featuring a celebrity spokesperson can boost your profile and your sales. Planned poorly...

Best Money Tips: Department Store Beauty on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on department store beauty on a budget, 5 cheap foods to avoid, and gift ideas for your host or hostess.

5 Excuses We Need to Stop Making About Overspending

You deserve it. It's on sale! There are dozens of excuses for overspending, and it's time to stop making them.

5 Business Blogs that Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Stay up to date on business trends and discover new insights at these five forward leaning business blogs.

Escape Student Loan Debt — Slowly

If you have student loan debt you think you'll never be able to pay off, new rules might help substantially ease your burden.

Best Money Tips: Must-Have Car Features That Will Save You Money

Today we found articles on must-have car features that will save you money, the best hacks for saving on Black Friday, and ways to make money in the next hour.

Best Money Tips: Last-Minute Money Tips for the Holidays

Today we found articles on last-minute money tips for surviving the holidays, reasons why single people need life insurance too, and dollar-store DIY projects to try.

10 Signs You're a Micromanager (And How to Reform Yourself)

If you see yourself in more than a few of these ten signs of micromanagement, seek help immediately.

The Cost of Finding a Treasure Chest Full of Gold

You struck gold — you're rich! Just how rich exactly? You may be unpleasantly surprised.

Free Money Finance Matching Your Salvation Army Donations Up to $5000!

If you are looking for a great cause to contribute to this holiday season, consider participating in the FMF $5k Red Kettle Challenge!

9 Smartphone Apps to Manage Your Money

Here's something else that smartphone in your pocket won't let you leave back at the office: Management of your company's finances.

How to Throw a Fabulous (and Frugal!) Dinner Party

Dinner parties are lots of fun, but their costs can add up fast. Learn how to throw a deliciously memorable, yet budget-friendly party with these tips.

Cleanse And Organize Your Inbox In 10 Simple Steps

If your inbox has mastered you, try these ten tricks to regain control.

5 Myths About Car Insurance

Think you have to pay more for being a female driver, having a red car, or driving a pricey vehicle? Learn the real story behind these and other myths.

Recognize And Manage The 5 Stages Of Small Business Growth

From start-up through maturity, leading a small business as it passes through its growth stages requires a variety of skills and temperaments.

4 Amazing, Affordable Honeymoon Destinations

Your honeymoon shouldn't put you into debt. Celebrate the start of your marriage at these amazing and affordable destinations.