Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

This Is the One Skill You Need If You Want to Work for Yourself

You've dreamed of starting a business (or maybe you already have) but if you don't master this entrepreneurial skill, your enterprise will be doomed.

How to Protect Yourself From an Investment Scam

That guy in an Internet chatroom with a hot stock tip probably isn't really a Wall Street insider with time to spare. Just saying.

Motivating Yourself and Others

What motivates people to work hard and do a good job? Whether you're a worker, a manager, a business owner, or an investor, it's important to know the answer.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Make Money This Week

Today we found some great articles on ways to make money this week, finding the right fit in a job, and ways you are wasting money at the grocery store.

Are Your Assets Costing You Too Much?

Your assets add up to your net worth. So the more the merrier, right? Well, too much of a good thing can actually be a drain on your finances.

How to Examine Your Healthcare Plan and Save

I’ve been examining healthcare plans for a couple of decades. I’ve been covered under employer-based plans and private individual plans. As a result, I've learned mu

Jack Bauer Never Buys Anything — How TVs Frugalest Characters Get by With Less

From Jack Bauer to Scooby-Doo, there are plenty of TV characters who know how to squeeze a dollar. Here are nine to watch for.

Taking a Work Leave? Here's How to Prepare

No matter what reason you want a break from the 9-to-5, you need to prepare yourself — and your money — first.

How Almost Anyone Can Afford to Retire in Mexico

Calling Mexico home during your golden years can really stretch your retirement savings. Crossing the border is a lot easier than you think!

7 Surprising Cooking Hacks That Save Time

Who wants to spend all day or evening in the kitchen? Cook faster and smarter with these seven clever tricks.

Flashback Friday: 87 Frugal Ways to Make Winter Less Miserable

Winter can be a total bummer, especially when you're stuck inside all day. Shift your mindset with these fun ideas for a positive mood shift.

Best Money Tips: How to De-Stink Feet and Shoes

Today, learn how to get rid of foot odor and shoe stink right at home, get resume tips for the homemaker, try a tasty recipe for mini pies, and more!

Do This One Thing Every Day to Defeat Out-of-Control Spending

If you're worried about how much you're spending, keep your wallet in check with this simple daily task that has profound long-term effects.

4 Reasons to Cut Yourself Some Slack Following a Financial Setback

The first step to bouncing back from a money mistake is to cut yourself some slack.

How to Save Money Buying a New Car and Be Happy

You can actually enjoy the car-buying process. Really. Learn how to shop for a new car and stay sane.

10 Things Worth Paying More For

We're all about finding the best value, and sometimes the only way to get it is to fork over cash. Here are a few things it pays to pay more for.

The One Thing That Will Help You Actually Save Money

A little positivity can go a long way — especially when it comes to reaching financial goals.

The First Payday: Helping Your Teen Understand Money

Whether your teen is excited or bored at the prospect of having a job this summer, YOU can respond to their newfound extracurricular activity by helping them learn not only what

Best Money Tips: The Retirement Edition

Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on retirement!

4 Keys to an Early Retirement

Does it seem like it's taking forever to get to the point where you can stop working? Here's how to get on the fast track to early retirement.