Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

30 Unexpected Uses for Mineral Oil

From removing beach tar to bleeding mountain bike brakes, mineral oil has lots and lots of uses. Here are 30 to try.

11 Essential Documents You Should Keep in Your Safe

Keep the necessary documents to establish your identity and financial history in a safe, so you can recover from identity theft, fire, or home invasion.

Top 7 Reasons Why I Use My Credit Card for Everything

I charge absolutely everything to my credit card. Everything. Here are the reasons why I am a credit card junkie.

40 Rice Cake Topping Ideas

Rice cakes are low cost, low calorie, and largely low flavor. Dress them up with responsible-sized helpings of these delicious toppings.

10 Ways to Save on a Long-Distance Move

When you're moving a long distance, you can't just buy a pizza and a 12-pack and ask your friends to pitch in. Here's how to save on a cross-country move.

30+ Cash Back Sites to Earn You Thousands Per Year

Cash back sites and apps let you save and even earn cash in unique ways. Try one of these sites on your next shopping trip!

101 Useful Things You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less

In 15 minutes or less you can boost your career, strengthen a relationship, manage your finances, prep a meal, and lots more!

10 Killer Ways to Feel Like a Million Bucks (Even If Your Bank Account Says Otherwise)

There are plenty of studies tying health to wealth (and vice versa), on a national and a personal level. Rest assured, though, this isn't The Secret. Instead, here are some tried a

11 Freelance Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well

Freelancers don't always have to struggle to pull in a decent income. Some side gigs actually pay well.

Is MagicJack a Scam?

MagicJack is a device that claims to offer unlimited local and long distance calling for just $20/year. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? I decided to dig around for myself.

Free Food in Your Yard: Edible Weeds!

Who says that there's no such thing as a free lunch -- you probably have one growing in your yard! Many weeds are edible, and delicious. Best of all, they're free!

101 Tax deductions for bloggers and freelancers

Anyone here like doing taxes? Didn’t think so. We all have to do them; we all have to pay money to Uncle Sam (although some get away with paying much less than others). But as

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Thanksgiving?

Tell us how you save money on Thanksgiving and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 8 Things That Are Always Cheaper at Target

Target is hitting the bullseye for ultra-low pricing on these eight products. Shop smart and save with these choices.

11 Things You Can't Hide When Selling Your Home

Before you sell your home, make sure you know what you have to tell the new owners.

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Cook at Home?

Tell us how often you cook at home and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Save Money on Shaving With These Razor Tricks

Make your razor go the extra mile — and last up to a year — with these money-saving (and razor-saving) tricks.

What will you do when gas hits $4 per gallon?

The image you're looking at is a classic VW ad from 1979, a response to the gas crisis at that time. I just filled up my tank, and 16 gallons of Plus Unleaded cost me over $52

5 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home

It’s sooo tempting to succumb to distractions working from home — but don’t! Try these tricks for staying focused and on task.

6 Ways My Family Scores Free Travel With Credit Cards

Want to travel the world for free? Take advantage of my insider tips that took me years to learn!