Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Money Lessons You Can Learn From Your Pets

Didn't think you could learn a thing or two about money from your family pet? Think again.

What You Can Buy With $5,000

When you're done fantasizing about what you could spend a cool million on, think about the possibilities of a realistic windfall — like a cool $5K!

12 Ways to Make Yourself Save More Money

You know you should save more, and you'd like to — but how? Close your spending leaks and put your saving on autopilot to start building a cash reserve.

5 Jobs Proven to Make You Live Longer

Every job has its pros and cons. Choose one of these five careers and the stats say you will extend your life — by years.

4 Countries Where You Can Live on $1,000 a Month

High rent costs and living expenses got you down? Living in any of these countries will set you back just $1,000 a month.

10 Important Signs That Your Job Sucks

As someone who has had to make the decision to leave more than one lousy job, here's my 10 signs for knowing when to leave. I don't take the decision to quit lightly, and I don't t

25 Easy Ways to Make Cheap Cuts of Meat Taste Expensive

Inexpensive cuts of meat don't have to taste cheap. Stretch your budget and eat well, too, with this collection of delicious ways to eat cheap meat.

How to Use Up Remaining Balances on Prepaid Gift Cards

Looking in my wallet, there are no less than 5 prepaid debit or gift cards hiding at any one time.

Homemade Lotion Recipes

For luscious, organic lotion, making your own is the way to go. Follow these recipes to have some seriously happy, healthy, and moisturized skin.

4 Worst Reasons to Buy a House

You should buy a home because you want to — not because these myths make you believe it's a good idea.

3 Private Lenders That Can Really Save You Money on Your Student Loans

Private lenders have begun to enter the student loan consolidation market in a big way. Maybe it's time to drop Sallie Mae.

DIY - Silk Flower Brooch

In true Wise Bread fashion, learn how to make flower brooches yourself and save big.

The 9 Best Storage Products as Recommended by Organization Pros

Before you stock up on storage products, let these organization pros point you to the ones that are worth cluttering up your bank statement for.

8 Ways to Preserve Your Net Worth in Retirement

Financial security is more important in retirement than ever. Want to keep your net worth on the up and up? Here's how.

8 Professional Ways to Make Friends at Work

We spend most of our lives at work, so many of our adult friendships are made at the office. But as adults, it can be tough to know how to take that first step.

Feeling Stuck? 100 Ways to Change Your Life

In 20 minutes, you too can change your life in 100 different ways. Check it out!

How to Resist These 4 Rationalizations to Spend Money

It can be easy to justify spending money on things you want. But there are ways to fight those urges, and protect your hard-earned money.

Why "Buy One Get One Free" Is Usually A Bad Deal

Recently, I read about a promotion from a home builder in San Diego where consumers could buy a 4000 square foot house for $1.6 million and get a smaller home by the developer valu

These 6 Things Will Make Your Next Flight More Comfortable

Dreading your next flight? These tricks will make your time in the sky way more comfy.

A (by no means definitive) list of some cool (and free!) additions for your blog or website

As a supplement to my last post about using WordPress to set up a personal or business website for free (minus the price of domain name registration and/or hosting), here are some ideas for [more]