Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

30+ Cash Back Sites to Earn You Thousands Per Year

Cash back sites and apps let you save and even earn cash in unique ways. Try one of these sites on your next shopping trip!

The 5 Best Bug Sprays for Home Pest Control

Keeping your home bug-free during the warmer months isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these bug sprays for home pest control and your sacred space will remain bugless.

Feeling Stuck? 100 Ways to Change Your Life

In 20 minutes, you too can change your life in 100 different ways. Check it out!

8 Ways to Spring Clean Your Career

'Tis the season for spring cleaning, so you should probably clean up your path to success, as well.

The 7 Laws of Negotiation

Over the past couple of decades, I’ve distilled successful negotiating down to seven key principles.

6 Twitter Updates That Are Making You Look Dumb

Twitter allows you to share your wit and wisdom with the world. Which is great, until you commit one of these wince-worthy twitter-gaffes.

7 Easy Ways to Invest in China

China's economy just keeps on growing and making people richer. Here's how an average investor like you can get in on it.

Credit Card Signatures Are Going Away — Should You Be Worried?

Major credit card networks are eliminating the need for signatures at the point of sale. What does that mean for you?

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/10, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving on Your Car! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

11 Cool Jobs for Outdoorsy Types

If sitting behind a desk makes you cringe, these outdoor jobs might be perfect for you.

8 Things You No Longer Need to Keep in Your Wallet

Is your wallet weighing down your pockets? Ditch the old school wallet and go digital.

2 Things You Must Know About the New Mortgage Rules

Homebuyers should face fewer mortgage surprises with the "Know Before You Owe" disclosure process — and they may even save some money. Here's how.

Beware, The Nasty Secret Of The Craigslist Free Section

If you love Craigslist, and use the free section to either post products or get great deals, you really need to read this. Because there’s a dirty secret to Craigslist that most pe

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Homemade Gluten-Free Noodles

You don't have to give up noodles when you're gluten-free. This simple and delicious homemade gluten-free noodle recipe will have all your gluten-grubbing friends asking for second

Thrive as a Starving Writer--Lessons from the Experts

The web is full of advice for starving writers. And why not? Any writer has heard the advice "Write what you know," and one thing many writers know is about being a starving writer

7 Easy Ways to Calculate Your New Car Budget

A shiny new set of wheels can really loosen your purse strings. Don't hit the dealership without knowing what you can truly afford.

12 Smart Ways to Organize Old Photos

If you have old photo albums collecting dust in the closet, take them out, dust them off, and put them to good use!

24 Places to Buy Inexpensive Natural Beauty Products

Highlight more of your natural beauty for less money! Here's where to find high quality, inexpensive natural beauty products, online and off.

How to Maximize Rewards on Everyday Spending

If you're not using your travel or cash back card for certain expenses, you're leaving valuable rewards on the table.

How to Avoid These Common Hidden Fees

Don't let these sneaky fees blow your budget when making a purchase.