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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Link it real good

Wise Bread loves the following blogs for their linky love. [more]

Best Money Tips: Weird Ways to Make Money

Today we found some great articles on weird ways to make money, networking tips for introverts, and cools soups to try this summer.

Who Moved My Stuff?

If you ever want to take stock of all that you’ve worked hard to purchase over time, and how much stuff you think you need to hang on to, go through each and every possessio [more]

Best Money Tips: Negotiating the Raise You Deserve

Today we found some fantastic articles on negotiating the raise you deserve, getting kids outside in the summer, and free ways to make someone's day.

Stopping the Student-Loan Debt Stress

Is your student-loan debt causing stress, influencing you to make financial decisions that are not necessarily in your best long-term interests, and delaying your entry into what your parents [more]

Saving money while hosting guests

Having just spent the last 48 hours desperately scrubbing my home from top-to-bottom in anticipation of the arrival of some house guests, I appreciated The Simple Dollar's post thi

Savings Rates Below Inflation? Save Anyway

When savings rates are below the inflation rate, it's easy to delude yourself into thinking you shouldn't save. That's a bad idea.

Best Money Tips: How to Stop Unsolicited Calls and Texts

Today we found articles on how to stop unsolicited calls and texts, things you can do outside of work to increase productivity, and cheap foods that are packed with protein.

Back to School: Saving on College Textbooks

Fancy meals. A weekend away. A new wardrobe. These are some of the things that can cost LESS than new college textbooks. Save with these tips.

Best Money Tips: Home Decorating Ideas on a Budget

Today we found some fantastic articles on home decorating ideas on a budget, personal finance advice for college students, and summertime tax moves.

Private foundations for ordinary folks

There are a lot of advantages to having a private foundation to use as the vehicle for your charitable giving. Sadly, the tax laws make setting up a private foundation impractical

Best Money Tips: How to Lead a Happy Life — According to Science

Today we found articles on the things science says will lead to a happy life, ways to save money when you’re dining out, and how to turn your side hustle into a full-time business.

A Note on Consumer Justice

Remember my lamps? These lamps? I’m not surprised if you don’t—I mentioned th

When NOT to put money in your 401(k)

The twin advantages of tax deferral and a corporate match make the 401(k) the foundation of most people's savings plan. Putting in enough to get the maximum corporate match is

Manage your charitable giving

Are you one of the people who responds to begging letters from national charitable organizations by occasionally sending money? I used to do that. In my case, it was mostly envir

In Search of Safety: A Mom's 8-Step Guide to Toy Selection and Everyday Use

As the mom of two boys, I can tell you that there are two kinds of toys: 1) those that are inherently dangerous (such as ATVs, BB guns, and lead-tainted toys) and 2) those made

Even More Black Friday Savings Tips From Shopping Experts

This year, you can have your sanest, safest, and most money-saving Black Friday ever — just follow these tips from deal-finding experts.

Holiday Gift Giving Techniques

Some of the things we love about Christmas (like sitting around a beautifully lit tree on Christmas morning with the family and opening gifts and enjoying some Christmas cheer) get

Best Money Tips: Black Friday Sales With Your Pet in Mind

Today we found some great articles on Black Friday sales with your pet in mind, how to make savings a habit, and getting the best deals on toys.

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