Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: Will This Winter Be More Expensive? (Chance to Win!)

Let us know if you think it will cost more to heat your home or office this year for a chance to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

This Is Why You Always Think Things Will Cost Less Than They Do

Estimating costs is hard — and the sad part is, much of the time it's because our brains are working against us. Here's how to regain control.

7 DIY Tips to Winterize Your Home for Cheap

Winterizing your home doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Here are 7 DIY tips to winterize your home for almost nothing in an afternoon.

How to Express Condolences Without Saying Something Stupid

Do you feel awkward when you try to express condolences? Try these techniques to show your sympathy.

These 10 Words and Phrases Are Keeping You From Getting a Raise

What you say and how you say it really matters to your career. Cut these troublesome words and phrases and bask in the accolades that follow.

How to Close a Credit Card Without Dinging Your Credit Score

You don't use that credit card anymore — but canceling might crush your credit score. Try these smarter methods of ditching that card.

Are You Tipping Wrong? This Is What You Should Be Leaving

Seems like every service counter we encounter includes a strategically placed tip jar. Find out who you should be tipping (and how much).

Why I Still Write Paper Checks

I know people who never write checks, but I'm not one of them. Here's why.

8 Hours? 9 Hours? This Is How Much Sleep You REALLY Need

Home many ZZZ's does a person really it need? The answer is "it depends and it's probably less than you think."

8 Ways Your Fridge Door Can Improve Your Life

Need inspiration to save money, achieve a goal, or improve your life? Look no further than your refrigerator door.

5 Fun Family Friendly Games for Your Holiday Party

You have the food, you have your guests, now add the entertainment: Here are five games under $20 that kids and adults can enjoy together.

Independent People Have These 7 Things in Their Homes — Do You?

We can always be more self-reliant. How many of these items of independent people do you use?

3 Subscription Services Every Traveler Needs

From tunes and TV, to groceries back home, subscription services are a traveler's best friend!

12 Things You Need to Stop Doing Today to Be a Better Friend

What do we value most in life? Family and friends. Keep and strengthen those precious bonds by avoiding these common relationship-busters.

4 Smart Ways to Lower Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

A hefty home loan doesn't have to be a burden. Here's how you can trim dollars from your monthly mortgage payment.

Best Money Tips: The Investing Edition

Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on investing.

8 Hot New Food Trends — The Frugal Way

Most new trends often come with a hefty price tag, but you can enjoy these trendy foods on the cheap!

8 Job-Getting Tips from a Guy Who's Hired 500 People in the Past 5 Years

August Nielsen hires people. Lots of them. He's waded through a sea of resumes and rejection letters, and his advice could help you land your next job.

Best Money Tips: Fast and Cheap Meals for Busy Families

Today we found articles on fast and cheap meals for busy families, things you didn’t know about Apple stores, and a realtor’s tips for getting a lower mortgage payment.

11 Tips and Tricks for Merging Finances

When couples get hitched, so do their separate finances. Here's how to bring the money together without ripping the marriage apart.