Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save on the Latest Smartphones

Today we found some fantastic articles on ways to save on the latest smartphone, ways to save at school, and cool car hacks you should try.

10 New Beauty Products You Need to Know About

Get ready for fall with this collection of the season's must have beauty products and tools.

Best Money Tips: How to Take a Digital Break

Today, we share the steps to take for a digital break, resources to help you shop at farmers markets, and tips for a healthier diet.

The 4 Most Effective Times for Setting a New Goal

Take advantage of some quirks in the calendar — and your psychology — to jumpstart your campaign to reach your next goal.

6 Things It's Better to Buy at the Last Minute

Need a good deal? For certain items, the early birds do not get the worm.

Should a Second Marriage Be Celebrated (and Paid for) Like the First?

People spend a lot of money to make their weddings once-in-a-lifetime experiences. So what do you do if you have a second one?

5 Steps to Picking the Best Airline Credit Card for the Most Rewards Value

An airline credit card will help you rack up those travel rewards. Make sure you pick the best one!

Best Money Tips: Better Ways to Self-Promote

Today, we have tips to help you promote yourself without coming off as a jerk, handy tricks for organizing your closet, interview don'ts, and more!

6 Thoughts Everyone Has Their First Day of Retirement

After years of hard work, diligent saving, and careful planning the big day finally arrives and you've retired. Now what?

5 Times Dad Was Right About Money

Underneath the corny one-liners and dad jokes, your old man probably actually knew a thing or two about money.

Best Money Tips: Legit Ways to Get Free Gas

Today we found articles on legit ways to get free gas, decorating hacks for renters, and cheap DIY solutions for summer skin care.

10 Simple Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

A few small lifestyle changes is all it takes to lower bad cholesterol — and only one of them is exercise. Get going for a healthier heart!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 2/17, 12pm Pacific for Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Frugal home renovation tips. Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate.

12 Delicious Slow Cooker Breakfast Ideas for Lazy Cooks

Your slow cooker can work the night shift, too. Try these easy and delicious recipes that cook breakfast while you sleep.

12 Ways to Tell the Difference Between Being Frugal and Being Cheap

How far is too far when it comes frugal living?

Peak Debt and Income

When stimulating the economy, is it better to invest in the rich or the poor? Learn whether supply- or demand-side techniques are best.

4 Cheap, Easy Ways to Invest Your First $1000

Investing is only for the wealthy, right? With even modest sums put aside, anyone can start building an investment portfolio — and it's easy, too.

Energy Price Spikes

There are several ways to help deal with spikes in energy prices, but the main one is simple: Get used to it.

7 Strategies for Paying Off Debt When Living on a Variable Income

Attention, freelancers! If you live on a variable income, it's time to rethink your debt payment strategy.

40 Tips to Accelerate Your Cash Flow

40 ways to improve your cash flow in the following five areas: Expedite Cash In, Optimize Cash Out, Increase Revenue, Decrease Expenses, and Save Taxes.