Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The end of the Energizer bunny: SIX products that don't need batteries.

Since I became a father, my household's battery consumption has quadrupled. [more]

Plan for expensive fuel

Does your budget include a contingency for fuel to get much more expensive? Because it ought to. I learned about the need for contingencies early. [more]

Your 401(k) is not an investment

Your 401(k) is not an investment. Neither is your IRA. Those are legal compartments for holding investments. [more]

Best Money Tips: Fun Activities That Are Breaking Your Budget

Today we found some great articles on fun activities that are breaking your budget, fun activities that can make you money, and unusual uses for WD-40.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 8/23, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: College Savings! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

Is Paypal making impulse buyers of us all?

Over the past few months I’ve noticed that more and more places accept Paypal and I began to wonder…is this going to create a generation of impulse buyers?

Defensive Dentistry: How to Avoid Expensive Dental Problems

Dental issues can be painful and expensive...and they're not particularly fun, either. The solution? Taking good care of your teeth, so problems don't occur.

9 Financial Mistakes You're Making at the Doctor's Office

If you keep making these money mistakes at the doctor's office, your wallet will really start feeling the pain.

Woo-hoo for Wufoo!

This fabulous form building and organizing program is one of those things you don't even know you need until you see it. A must have for both personal use and for your business

Death and Money: Helping your family now in case something happens later

A lady I know of died last night. It was expected; she was diagnosed with incurable cancer last spring. I didn't really know her, as I'd just recently moved into a place wh

Best Money Tips: Foods You Shouldn't Waste Money On

Today we found some great articles on food you shouldn't waste money on, the best ways to make extra money, and easy ways to save for retirement.

Original Ways to Use Original Dawn

I love to use household products in various unique ways, so I was thrilled to learn about some new-to-me hacks for the

Here's Everything You Need to Get Started With Bitcoin

Bitcoin is not quite as hot as it once was, but it's still traded and used. Now that prices are more modest, are you ready to test the popular cryptocurrency?

8 Things to Carry That Could Help Someone in an Emergency

Just keeping a couple items in your purse or pocket could make you a superhero to someone in an emergency.

Save on Books, Diapers, and Much More With an Amazon Membership Program

Whether you're a student, a mom, or just a frequent Amazon shopper, discover how their membership programs might be able to save you serious cash.

I Shouldn't Have to Pay for This! A Consumer's Guide to your Rights

If you buy something that stops working immediately and the seller refuses to refund your money, do you still have to pay for it?

Mend a Broken Heart Without Breaking the Bank

If you and your significant other recently called it kaput, don’t bury yourself in spending sprees — try some of these frugal self-help therapies instead.

Get your piece of the Diamond Class Action pie.

Hands up if you bought diamond jewelry between 1994 and 2006. Well, if you did you can claim some of the $295 million that has been set aside in the DeBeers class action lawsuit.

Best Money Tips: Sources of Free Entertainment

Today we found some fantastic articles on sources of free entertainment, the best items to buy now, and retirement planning in your 20s.

Keeping Your Head (when all around you are losing theirs)

I'm going to be honest with you--the last three weeks have been the most stressful I've ever experienced at work. Between moving into a new po