Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Magic Marker Money Safe

I've never tried a money-belt. I've nevr had enough cash to put in one to be honest. But when I lived in London I was mugged three times, and this little beauty would have saved me a stack of cash. It's a great idea. [more]

Don't Overpay While Driving - Put Down Your Cell and Save $101

My home state of Washington is set to require, by law, that drivers who want to yack on the cell phone use a hands-free set or earpiece. [more]

Credit One Bank Unsecured Visa with Cash Back Rewards Review

This cash back card targets those with poor to bad credit, but beware the extra costs of this card.

Flights from Europe to the US from $14.

I had to do a double-take, too. But the promise of super-cheap flights from Europe to the US is on the horizon. And it's not 10 years away as many people first thought. [more]

Play On: 5 Great Card and Board Games

Game nights are almost always fun, but you can make them straight-up awesome by choosing one of these excellent, less-common games.

Best Money Tips: How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes

Today we found articles on how to fall asleep in two minutes, scientific ways to be more productive, and three ways to boost your income.

20 Hiking Hacks to Take to the Trail This Summer

Before you hit the dusty trail, you should know a thing or two — or 20 — about having a safe and enjoyable hike.

Summer Reading Made Easy

If you're a mom, dad, grandma, granddad, aunt, uncle, big sister, big brother, friend, or tutor, you will most likely find yourself spending time with a child this summer. [more]

Happy (Financial) Independence Day

Today, as we celebrate, let's take a vow to be financially independent.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/27, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Earning Money with the Gig Economy! Join our chat with Fiverr for a chance to win $300 in Amazon gift cards. Use #WBChat and #Fiverrchat to join us!

Link-Love Makes the World Go 'Round

In keeping with the warm and fuzzy feeling that Wisebread gives many of its writers and readers, I am taking a moment to give thanks to those that have linked to us over the past two weeks. [more]

7 Ways to Compare Stock Market Investments

There are thousands of investments out there. If you want to find the "best" ones, you need to learn how to compare them.

The 12 Best Ways to Use Up Your Summer Tomatoes

Tomatoes coming out of your ears? Don't toss 'em! Enjoy your late summer bounty with some fun and delicious ways to use them up.

How to Be Upwardly Mobile

Research shows that most people aren't moving past their parents' income class — but you don't have to be a statistic.

Making the most of your guilty pleasures

I've been trying to come up with a way to articulate the mental shift from being not-frugal to being frugal. It's not really about wanting to spend less, and it's certainly not about making do with less. [more]

5 Things to Spend More on Now

From DIY home repairs to family vacations, you'll end up wealthier and happier in the long-term if you pony up some extra cash now for these five things.

How to Go on Vacation Without Getting Behind on Work

Work doesn't take a vacation when you do. Learn how to leave work behind without coming back to an overflowing inbox.

Alcohol is good for your heart

After quitting smoking, having one or two drinks a day is the best single thing you can do for your cardiovascular health. [more]

30 Easy and Impressive Frozen Puff Pastry Recipes

Whether you're craving savory or sweet, puff pastry is the right buttery flaky base. Explore the versatile laminated dough with these 30 great recipes.

Best Money Tips: How to Avoid the Worst Kitchen-Cleaning Mistakes

Today we found articles on the worst kitchen-cleaning mistakes you can make, student loan mistakes that cost you huge money, and what you can do today to help yourself tomorrow.