Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Amazing Travel Destinations You Thought Were Unaffordable

Don't let rumors of sky-high prices hold you back; you can travel to these dream destinations for less than you think!

Best Money Tips: How to Get Groceries for Free

Today we found some great articles on how to get groceries for free, frugal date at home ideas, and tips for preparing for an interview.

The Upside of Mass Layoffs

Being a part of a huge layoff isn't fun, but it's a lot better than getting fired by yourself. Here are four positives that can come out of the experience.

12 Money-Saving Tricks You Can Learn From Hipsters

You know why Hipsters ride fixies? One gear is cheaper than 10. That and more frugal lessons from the latest edition of youth counter-culture.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save at Bed Bath & Beyond

Today we found articles on ways to save at Bed Bath & Beyond, creative uses for six household items, and Netflix alternatives to check out.

Why Women Don't Negotiate

Women aren't as good as men at negotiating salaries, and that costs us. But there's a reason for it, and it's not just because we're scared to ask.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 3/3, 12pm Pacific for Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Staycations, how to be a tourist in your own town. Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate.

5 Things Millennials Do Later Than Previous Generations Did

Today's twenty- and thirty-somethings are putting off a host of big life-defining moments. Find out what they're waiting for — and why.

5 Times Buying a Home With Cash Is Bad for Your Budget

If you have enough cash to buy a house, that's great! It still doesn't mean it's always the smartest financial move.

Best Money Tips: Get Fit Before Summer

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to get fit before summer, trimming your grocery bill, and effective ways to cut back on bad spending habits.

8 Misleading Gadget Marketing Gimmicks

Before you go out and buy the latest tech gadgets, be wary of those that don't live up to the hype.

Teaching Kids About Money: An Interview with Dr. Brad Klontz

It's time to have "the talk" with your kids. No, not that one. The one about financial responsibility.

6 Ways You Can Cut Costs Right Before You Retire

With retirement right around the corner, it's more important than ever to start cutting your daily living costs. You'll thank yourself later.

How to Protect Yourself Financially During a Divorce or Separation

The price tag on divorce is sky-high. Save yourself from further financial fallout by protecting your money.

Four Common Mistakes to Avoid in Running Your Small Business

You are the master of your domain. And as a small business owner, your domain is nothing to sneeze at. So let’s make it a little easier by learning from other people's mistakes.

10 Weird and Wonderful Ways to Use Vinegar

Have a bottle of vinegar in your pantry? Use it to save your rhododendrons, to attempt to choose the sex of your unborn child, and in other unexpected ways.

How to Find and Hire a Virtual Assistant for Your Small Business

A virtual assistant is an administrative employee who lives and works remotely. By hiring a remote worker, you can hire from a global talent pool, and find help with more education

10 Ways to Reuse Common Household Items

From egg cartons to shower curtains to old socks and more, learn dozens of ways to reuse commonly discarded household items.

How to Generate Product Sales Without Inventory

Having the right inventory at the right time in the right place at the right price is the mantra of large-scale retailers with deep pockets for forecasting systems, planning ana

6 Mistakes to Avoid With a Financial Adviser

Financial advisers can be a great asset...or the cause of financial ruin. Make sure you get the most out of your adviser by avoiding these mistakes.