Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Ways to Beat Sinus Pain at Work

The season for sinus pain is approaching. Sinusitis strikes everywhere, including at the office. Here are six tips for fighting sinusitis on the clock and saving those sick days.

How to Protect Your Job When You're in a Workplace Relationship

A love affair at work is nothing unusual these days. But, if you don't take the proper precautions, it could mean the end of your job.

Car Sharing for Businesses: Save Money and Go Green

Commercial car sharing can increase workplace productivity, save money, and (of course) help the environment.

Stalemate on the Debt Ceiling?

People are speculating about the result if there's a stalemate on the debt ceiling. I know what would really happen, because I live in Illinois.

Best Money Tips: Build a Better Budget

Today we found some awesome articles on building a better budget, negotiating with your landlord on renovations, and easy steps to becoming a millionaire.

Inventory: The Crucible of Success

Inventory is really a test, or crucible, for business owners. To help you through this crucible, here are three important elements you should consider.

IRS Wants Its $7 Billion From Independent Contractor Misclassifications

The contractor model is particularly appealing in a down economy. However, what seems like a great way to save money may be costly if it's determined that your contractors are m

Best Money Tips: Ways to Prepare for a Move

Today we found some great articles on ways to prepare for a move, dressing the family for less, and pointers on negotiating your starting salary.

Offering Stock to Your Employees: 5 Key Financial Considerations

You can choose to make your employees more involved with your business' future by offering them stock in the company.

Is Your Business Well-Positioned for Growth?

What does it mean to be well-positioned for growth? How does a company ensure they'll be ready when the economy recovers?

How Anticipating the Worst Can Help You Succeed

It doesn't do much good to be Chicken Little, constantly convinced that financial ruin is imminent. That said, the strongest businesses do prepare for the worst.

How Investing Drives Us Crazy: Lessons From a Trade

Even when you do everything "right," you can still lose money on a trade. Get some good investing advice (even if it's not a guaranteed path to wealth).

3 Steps To Managing Workplace Conflict With Emotional Intelligence

Emotional conflict is inevitable in the workplace. You can't ignore it away and you can't shrug it off, but you can defuse it with a little emotional intelligence.

7 Foods Scientifically Proven to Increase Your Sex Drive

Yes, food can be sexy — especially these seven treats proven to help boost your sex drive. Try some!

4 Warranties That Aren't Worth It

Better safe than sorry, right? That may be your reasoning behind buying product warranties. But in these four instances, warranties definitely aren't worth it.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money at IKEA

Today we found articles on how to save money at IKEA, proven ways to reduce food waste, and fun Thanksgiving activities for the whole family.

All About Black Friday

Yeah, we all know that Black Friday has good deals. But from the history of the name to tips for shopping and more, learn everything else about the "holiday."

10 Employment Laws You May Be Breaking

State and federal employment law can be arcane. But no matter how difficult to comprehend, you're still liable if you're not in compliance.

Snipe an Ebay auction, save a fortune.

Haven't perfected the art of the eBay steal? No worries — BidNip will swipe it for you!

Pop That Corkage: A Cross-country BYO Roundup

BYOB is all the rage right now! Find out where you can bring your own wine to dinner in your favorite cities.