Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Meaning of Milk Label Colors

Can you tell the difference between 1% and skim milk based on the color of the cap? It depends on where you shop.

How to Maximize Rewards on Everyday Spending

If you're not using your travel or cash back card for certain expenses, you're leaving valuable rewards on the table.

How to Avoid These Common Hidden Fees

Don't let these sneaky fees blow your budget when making a purchase.

5 Times You Must Freeze Your Credit Report

Freeze! Securing your credit report from fraud or other suspicious activity might save you a big headache later.

10 Things You Should Do Immediately After Losing Your Wallet

Losing your wallet can be frustrating and scary — identity theft, anyone? Take these steps to ensure your finances stay safe when your wallet isn't.

6 Ways to Apartment Hunt on Craigslist Without Getting Scammed

Craigslist is a leading apartment rental marketplace, with plenty of listings — and scammers. Protect yourself by recognizing the warning signs.

Why You Should Call Your Mortgage Lender Every Year

When was the last time you gave your mortgage lender a ring? If it's been a few years, you could be throwing money out the window.

Debt Collectors Are Calling My Family — Now What?

Managing debt isn't easy. And it gets even more difficult when debt collectors start hounding your family members. Know your rights.

Here Are the Right Ways (And the Wrong Ways) to Use a Personal Loan

Before you apply for a personal loan, make sure you plan to use it the right way.

Breaking the Bread Code: How to Get the Freshest Loaf

Discover the color code that will lead you to the freshest loaf on the store shelf every time.

5 Things a Homebuyer Shouldn't Say to a Seller's Agent

An open house is the perfect time to get the deets on your potential dream home. It's not the time to get chatty with the seller's agent.

Everything You Need to Know About Airline Dining Rewards Programs

Wait, you can rack up airline miles by eating out at your favorite restaurants? Yes, it's true!

Killin 'em Out There: The School Clothes Conundrum

How do you break the cycle when social engineering and personal spending habits that are as unique as your genetic coding, are emptying your pockets?

8 Professional Ways to Make Friends at Work

We spend most of our lives at work, so many of our adult friendships are made at the office. But as adults, it can be tough to know how to take that first step.

6 Ways to Improve Your Curb Appeal for Next to Nothing

A few cheap, easy fixes will snaz up your home's curb appeal without making an ugly mess of your bank account.

33 Ways to Feel 10 Years Younger

Feel younger immediately with these easy tips you can try today!

6 Ways You Can Get Paid to Watch TV

Love to kick back, relax, and watch TV? Good news: You can get paid for that.

Bulk Buying Basics: What to Buy, How to Store, and Money Saving Tips

If you have the storage space, buying in bulk can save you money and time. Here's what you need to know before you get started.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Envelope System

Whether you're intimidated by budgeting or are just looking for a new technique, the simple and effective envelope system can make budgeting oh-so-easy.

These Secrets of Amazon's Pricing Strategy Will Help You Find the Best Buys

You win some, you lose some in online retail. Find out which items are a steal on Amazon and which you're better off finding at your local Walmart.