Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Almost 2000 uses for a can of WD-40

My dad always sang the praises of WD-40. "It's not just for a squeaky hinge or a rusty bolt" he'd say. Alas, my memory is not all that sharp and I couldn't quite remember how

The 5 Best Hyaluronic Acid Serums

If you're looking to give hyaluronic acid serum spin, any of the five below are excellent picks that won't break your budget.

6 Awesome Reasons to Shop at Aldi

Few brands? No bags? No problem! One writer shares why she loves the discount grocer (and a few minor quibbles as well).

Cheat Sheet: Retail Markup on Common Items

Stores make money by price markups. Learn the rationale behind retail pricing and what the product you're buying actually costs.

Feeling Stuck? 100 Ways to Change Your Life

In 20 minutes, you too can change your life in 100 different ways. Check it out!

7 Affordable Destinations for Nature Lovers

You don't need to drain your budget to enjoy a beautiful vacation in the great outdoors. Get out there!

15 Surprising Insurance Policies You Might Need

For just about any life event, there's an insurance policy to cover it. Do you need one of these plans?

Is Target Really Just as Bad As Wal-Mart?

There is plenty not to like about the practices of both the nation's leading big-box retailers. But a few subtle differences -- and one h-u-g-e one -- make one of them the o

25 Things to Throw Out Today

Do you have any of these items lurking in your home that should be thrown (or given) away? Here's a list of 25 things to get rid of right now.

10 Surprising Ways to Negatively Affect Your Credit Score

Even when you aren't applying for a credit card or loan, your credit score can be affected by a variety of actions — even forgetting to return your library books.

5 Times Personal Loans May Be Better Than Credit Cards

Sometimes getting a personal loan is a better choice than using your credit cards.

Remove Car Dents Quickly and Cheaply

Dents suck. And so does the cost to repair them. Here are quick and cheap ways to remove dents.

The 5 Best Products for Oily Skin

There are thousands of products on the market just for people with oily skin, and many of them are budget-friendly! Here are five excellent options.

The 5 Best Products for Dry Skin

If you're looking for a new product to hydrate your skin, look no further than these five!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Valentine's Day?

Tell us how you save money on Valentine's Day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Guide to Staying at Hostels for People Over 30

Hostels aren't just for 20-somethings. No, really, even adults can slash the cost of lodging by staying at hostels instead of hotels.

Build Your Own Furniture: 9 Helpful Tips For Non-Carpenters

It might seem intimidating, but it's totally possible for you to make your own furniture, even if you've barely wielded a hammer before. Learn how.

2-Minute Guide: How to Use Balance Transfers to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Balance transfers can help you out of debt in a hurry. Here's how to use them to clear that credit card debt.

I’ve Lived Both Sides of the Healthcare System. This Is What I've Learned.

This debate has been furiously argued on both sides for several months, so I thought I’d throw my hat in the ring. I lived with the British National Health Service (NHS) until I wa

25 Things to Never Pay Full Price For

Why pay full price when you don't have to? Check out these ways you can save money on nearly everything you need.