Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 60 Awesome Ways to Make Money Without a Job

Today we found articles on awesome ways to make money without a job, ways to save on cosmetics and beauty supplies, and how “pink noise” can improve sleep and memory.

Why This Isn't Your Grandparents' Economy

Why can't we save money like our parents and grandparents? Learn how modern economic realities make financial independence more challenging.

4 Reasons You Might Have a "Phased" Retirement

If a total leave from the working world isn't in your cards, take your retirement in phases!

Best Money Tips: Effective Study Habits

Today, we share ten effective study habits, simple ways to improve your memory, unconventional home frugality tips, and easy ways to lower your cable bill.

Best Money Tips: Reach Your Goals By Measuring Them

Today, we share how you can achieve your goals and resolutions by measuring them, the down-low on hand sanitizers, fun and frugal ways to bond with your family, and more!

Best Money Tips: Home Cooking Tips for Newbie Chefs

Today we found articles on home cooking tips for newbie chefs, easy ways to strengthen your bones, and tax misunderstandings that could cost you.

Best Money Tips: How to Start Working from Home

Today, we share the steps to take when you want to work from home, a tutorial to make a reusable coffee cozy out of an old belt, and more.

10 Quick Ways to Become More Hygienic

Guess what? Good hygiene means good health as well as good cleanliness. Clean up your act, inside and out.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 4/13, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Eating Healthy On a Budget! Join our conversation with Andrea Woroch for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate.

Best Money Tips: How To Win Sweepstakes

Today, we share tips to help you bag you next contests or sweepstakes, to-do's to keep your family and home safe over the holidays, instructions for a DIY book safe, and more.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/18, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Movies on the Cheap! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money and Still Have the Wedding of Your Dreams

Today we found articles on ways to save and still have the wedding of your dreams, mistakes to avoid with your retirement plan, and financial tips for your last month of college.

Best Money Tips: Resume Buzzwords to Avoid

Today, we share the too-common terms to avoid on your job search, sincere ways to apologize, yummy stand-ins for dairy or mean, and more!

Best Money Tips: Ways for Families to Save in September

Today we found some amazing articles on ways for families to save in September, financial steps to a rich life, and turning financial disaster into financial independence.

7 Lessons From Tax Day to Remember for Next Year

With Tax Day now behind you (phew!), it's time to reflect on a few lessons that might make next April a little less stressful.

Are You a Hothead? 10 Things Patient People Never Say

Sometimes even the best of us lose our cool. If you find yourself belting out any of these phrases frequently — you may need to tone it down.

Best Money Tips: How to Handle Life's Speed Bumps

Today, we share tips to help you get over life's speed bumps, ways improve the gas mileage of your car, and handy uses for charcoal!

So You Wanna Be a Travel Writer?

I learned the realities of travel writing from hard-earned experience, but these tips from Tim Leffel's book could help you get ahead of the curve.

10 Ways You're Wasting Time Without Realizing It

Where has the day gone? Maybe you've wasted it on one or more of these little time sinks.

10 Work Perks You Can't Get as a Freelancer

You're ready to strike out on your own. Before ditching your day job, find out what work perks the freelancing world simply can't match.