Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Foods Scientifically Proven to Increase Your Sex Drive

Yes, food can be sexy — especially these seven treats proven to help boost your sex drive. Try some!

Avoiding the Poverty Tax

Simply being poor can add to a family's cost of living. But the solution isn't necessarily increasing's improving skills.

4 Warranties That Aren't Worth It

Better safe than sorry, right? That may be your reasoning behind buying product warranties. But in these four instances, warranties definitely aren't worth it.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money at IKEA

Today we found articles on how to save money at IKEA, proven ways to reduce food waste, and fun Thanksgiving activities for the whole family.

All About Black Friday

Yeah, we all know that Black Friday has good deals. But from the history of the name to tips for shopping and more, learn everything else about the "holiday."

How to Create an Unbeatable Call to Action

Take advantage of this limited time offer and click here to learn more about effective Calls to Action.

10 Employment Laws You May Be Breaking

State and federal employment law can be arcane. But no matter how difficult to comprehend, you're still liable if you're not in compliance.

Snipe an Ebay auction, save a fortune.

Haven't perfected the art of the eBay steal? No worries — BidNip will swipe it for you!

Pop That Corkage: A Cross-country BYO Roundup

BYOB is all the rage right now! Find out where you can bring your own wine to dinner in your favorite cities.

Music to my ears - Guitar Center 50% off.

Guitar Center has a HUGE sale going on right now. I wish I was a better guitar player (i strum a few chords, badly) so that I could justify spending some serious cash on some serious bargains. PLUS, you get FREE SHIPPING on most orders over $99. [more]

Best Money Tips: Use Your Social Media Profiles to Find a Job

Today we found some awesome articles on using social media to find a job, saving money on a rental car, and what to buy in thrift stores.

Best Money Tips: Teaching Teens About Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on teaching teens about money, sticking to a budget, and actions for a real money making blog.

How to Control Anxiety and Start Enjoying More

Anxiety is unhealthy, counter-productive, and, well, just not very fun. Learn how to worry less and enjoy life more with these easy suggestions.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 4/5 at 12pm PST for a Chance to Win Prizes!

Topic: Money After Graduation! Join our chat with UNT's Student Money Management Center for a chance to win Amazon gift cards! Participate using #WBChat and #moneymonth2018!

Best Money Tips: Budget Vacation Tips

Today we found some great articles on budget vacation tips, ideas to help save on wedding flowers, and getting a raise in a difficult economy.

How to Furnish Your Home for Less Than the Cost of a Moving Truck

Don't rent that pricey moving truck! Instead, opt for buying inexpensive, high-quality used furniture. This guide tells you how and where to shop.

Ingenuity: The Ultimate Frugal Skill

At Wise Bread, we talk a lot about frugal skills. But in many ways, there's one skill that trumps them all — ingenuity.

Best Money Tips: Thrift Store Shopping Tips

Today we found some awesome articles on thrift store shopping tips, recession proofing your career, and getting awesome free stuff.

Best Money Tips: Things You Need to Know About Financial Aid

Today we found some awesome articles on things you need to know about financial aid, must-have millionaire habits, and getting financially fit.

Best Money Tips: High-Paying Careers That Don't Require a College Degree

Today we found articles on high-paying careers that don’t require a college degree, side hustles you can do on the go, and foods you should never eat on a plane.