Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Tips for Landing an Gig Online

Getting hired online is easier now than it ever was. If times are tight for you, you may find yourself looking for ways to make extra cash. The bad news is that everyone else is do

Best Money Tips: The Cost of Things

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we look at the cost of stuff, even stuff you don't really think about.

Escape Your Dying Industry With One of These 8 Careers, Instead

Stuck in a dying industry? Consider switching to a job with a brighter future.

8 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Medicare Plan

Are you or your loved ones getting the most protection possible from Medicare?

Getting Ahead At Work: Are You A Hammer Or A Swiss Army Knife?

Is it better to be great at one specific thing or just really good at a whole bunch of different things? While one might put you in a class all by yourself, the other can make you

14 Great Dishes You Can Make in the Microwave

Your microwave really can do more than pop popcorn and nuke leftovers. Challenge your appliance with these delicious, easy, and (of course) quick recipes.

Argentine Wine Hack: Make Bad Wine Better

If you open a bottle of wine that just isn't all that great, add some soda water to it. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

The 5 Best Home Theater Projectors

For the ultimate home viewing experience, a projector is the way to go. Check out our recommendations for best buys.

The Best and Worst Things to Buy in January

December leaves many of us shopped out, but that also means that January has some great deals. Find out what to buy — and what to avoid.

Stuff will never make you organized

There's a store near where I live that sells stuff for organizing your other stuff--racks, boxes, cabinets, and shelves for tools and toys, sweaters and shoes, spices and CDs. The

It Pays to Be Late: 7 Awesome Things You Can Get Cheaper at the Last Minute

The early bird may get the worm, but in many cases, it's the late shopper who makes off with the deal.

15 Fresh Corn Recipes You'll Swoon Over

Mid-summer means corn — and lots of it. Go beyond butter and salt with fun recipes that give corn on the cob new life.

5 Sneaky Ways Supermarkets Get You to Spend More

Want to know how grocery stores are parting you from your hard-earned cash? Learn about these supermarket psychology tricks.

The 5 Best Gaming Headsets

A good gaming headset can take you right into the video game (well, sort of). Check these top picks for the best in audio quality, comfort, and other cool functions.

4 Money Moves to Make the Moment You Win the Lotto

The lucky ducks who win the lotto — or any kind of windfall, really — also win a whole new set of headaches.

10 Awesome Jobs for People Who Want to Work From Home

It is possible to have a great job working from home — just follow one of these career paths.

Best Money Tips: Habits to Help You Become Happier

Today we found some fantastic articles on simple habits to help you become happier, making January winter cleaning month, and how to get extra cash.

Flashback Friday: 63 Delicious Ways to Enjoy Leftovers

Leftovers don't have to be a disappointing meal choice. Make those second-day meals as delicious as the first with these food hacks.

Tips for Avoiding a Foreclosure Prevention or Loan Modification Scam

Rising home foreclosures have made con artists very busy. These scammers use the public records to find homeowners who are in trouble, and then use a variety of schemes to take

4 Reasons Why You Don't Have Financial Common Sense (and How to Get It)

Personal finance isn't that complicated — spend less than you earn and save for emergencies and future goals. So why do so many of us struggle with it?