Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Ways to Reverse Lifestyle Creep

More money in your paycheck can mean more spending on stuff you don't need. Time to get things back under control.

Cheat Sheet: Retail Markup on Common Items

Stores make money by price markups. Learn the rationale behind retail pricing and what the product you're buying actually costs.

I Checked My Credit Score in 11 Places — Here's What I Learned

Why pay $15 for a credit score when you can get one for free? Turns out not all credit scores are the same.

5 Reasons Not to Use Debit Cards When You Shop Online

Before you place an order through your favorite online retailer, consider these reasons to use credit instead of debit.

Where Are They Now? The Forgotten Dollar Bills (and Coins)

You may have money on your mind, but these notes and coins are all but forgotten. They are still legal tender, though!

9 Signs Your Identity Was Stolen

Usually, you know when you're the victim of a crime. But identity theft can be a sneaky, subtle scam. Watch out for these warnings.

3 Money Arguments That Can Hurt Your Relationships

You should really nip these common money arguments in the bud before they hurt your relationships.

The 5 Best Hyaluronic Acid Serums

If you're looking to give hyaluronic acid serum spin, any of the five below are excellent picks that won't break your budget.

Make Flying Easy: The Ultimate Carry-On Packing List

Your itinerary is set and the lodging and flights booked; now the only question is what to pack. Here are some tips to help you pack light and be prepared.

Rethinking The Early Mortgage Payoff

The borrow-at-a-low-interest-rate-and-invest-to-get-greater-returns mentality was so embedded in our belief system that there almost seemed to be a stigma attached to not carrying

5 Financial Mistakes You Need to Stop Making by 30

By the big Three-Oh, you're no finance rookie. Leave these money mistakes in your 20s and kick bad spending habits to the curb. No excuses!

Credit Card Signatures Are Going Away — Should You Be Worried?

Major credit card networks are eliminating the need for signatures at the point of sale. What does that mean for you?

Last night I threatened to disconnect my cable

Sit down, relax, and let me tell you a story. A story about how you get to be a hero, and how to get your cable company begging on all fours like a dog. [more]

How to Keep Office Solicitations From Busting Your Budget

Office solicitations are a sneaky budget buster. It's time to stop letting them drain your savings.

Figuring the Size of Your Emergency Fund

The usual rule of thumb is 3 to 6 months' income. Of course that's silly--the size of your emergency fund needs to be based on your spending, not your income. But even 3

Watch Out for These 5 Last Minute Home Buying Costs

First time homebuyers can be left scrambling to cover these last-minute costs. Don't get blindsided on your way to your new home!

5 Reasons Why I Don’t Clip Coupons

Many people consider clipping coupons to be one of the major tenets of frugal living. But all that time spent searching and snipping might not be worth it.

Best Lenders for Personal Loans

Whether you face unexpected expenses or are just shopping the best rate, there's a personal loan available to suit your needs.

12 Lessons in Manners From Around the World

Don't tip in Tokyo and don't bring wine to a dinner party in Paris. Follow these and 10 other tips in etiquette to stay classy wherever you are.

Are we too clean for our own good?

Science has proven that exposure to germs and dirt helps build up a strong immune system. Don't waste your money on bacterial soaps and wipes - they're just coddling your immune sy